This post is part of an ongoing series featuring items from the newly acquired Santo Domingo collection.
At first glance Let’s talk about Goofballs and Pep Pills seems like a funny comic book akin with much of the satirical pamphlets in the Santo Domingo Collection. However, despite the pen and ink cartoons illustrating this book, it is actually a booklet about the dangers of certain prescription drugs and LSD. It is a rather bizarre mix of very simple explanations such as, “Nausea (sick to stomach)” or “Delirium, hallucinations (imagining things – pink elephants, etc.)” and excerpts from serious medical studies on the drugs. Although there are many consequences of drug abuse listed in this book, the end section focuses exclusively on the dangers of driving while using these prescription or illegal drugs. It seems as though this book is geared to the casual addict or young people who do not realize that abusing prescription pills is a possibility. The addition of LSD in this collection is surprising based on the way the drugs are described and the intended audience, but Curtis does explain that LSD does have some legitimate medical uses.
Lindsay R. Curtis was an OB-GYN based in Utah and wrote extensively both on reproductive topics as well as texts about substance abuse. He authored a newspaper column titled “For Women Only” and the list of books in his biography at the end of Goofballs and Pep Pills includes titles such as Smoking OR Health? And Glue-Sniffing: Big Trouble in a Tube. His most famous book is titled Pregnant and Lovin’ it. Many of his books are also illustrated with cartoons and are aimed at the lay reader.
Pregnant and lovin’ it / by Lindsay R. Curtis and Yvonne Coroles; illustrated by Paul Farber is available in Schlesinger’s collection. My body, my decision! : what you should know about the most common female surgeries / Lindsay R. Curtis, Glade B. Curtis, Mary K. Beard ; illustrations by Paul Farber and Let’s talk about drugs / by Lindsay R. Curtis are also available at Harvard Libraries.
Let’s talk about goofballs and pep pills, including tranquilizers and LSD, by Lindsay R. Curtis. Illustrated by Dean Hurst, part of the Santo Doming Collection, is available at Widener Library.
Thanks to Emma Clement, Santo Domingo Library Assistant, for contributing this post.