Mysterious matchbox

Front facade of Houghton Library

This post is part of an ongoing series featuring items from the newly acquired Julio Mario Santo Domingo Collection.


This particular item which I believe is an artists’ book is quite interesting, published in Paris in 1990 by Ed. Rouleau Libre it was issued as a matchbox measuring 8 x 6 cm and contains a number of objects.  On a folded sheet is a poem by Pierre Mréjen along with a graphic of some sort.  KIC_Image_0002

Little is know about Mréjen he appears to be a poet that produced a number of artists’ books for Les Editions Rouleau Libre.  An additional folded sheet contains two quotations by Henri Michaux and Maurice Blanchot along with small illustrations.  What was most unexpected were the matches, marble, and cigarette that accompanied the folded sheets.  KIC_Image_0004

The work is identified as example no. 11, out of how many we cannot be sure,  and there was little definitive information about this cleverly constructed item.

I did discover that the cigarette is from a German brand called Roth Handle whose identifying hand logo has been recreated on the back of the matchbox with the title of the work.


Part of the Fine Arts Library collection La main espacée. Paris : Rouleau Libre, 1990 can be located in Hollis

Thanks to Alison Harris, Santo Domingo Project Manager for contributing this post.