Here are the complete works and collections we’ve digitized in the last three months. Highlights include Edgar Allan Poe and Robert Louis Stevenson manuscripts, photographs of the home of Sarah Orne Jewett, and an illustrated Dutch incunabulum on the destruction of Troy.
Central America. Asamblea nacional constituyente. Bases de constitución federal. [Guatemala, 1823?]
SA 3814.5
Colonne, Guido delle, active 13th century. Hier beghint Die hystorye vander destrucyen van Troyen, ca. 1500.
Typ Inc 9459.3
Conneand, S. New prophets : their historical and true picture, 1708.
*EB7 L1196 P708c
De liberis educandis. Magni oratoris Guarini Veronensis in Plutarchum de liberis educandis : manuscript, [between 1425 and 1450].
MS Lat 49
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882. Ralph Waldo Emerson lectures and sermons, ca. 1831-1882.
MS Am 1280.202 (12) Address at the Woman’s Rights Convention, Sept. 20 1855.
MS Am 1280.202 (13) Discours manqué. Woman. [N.d.]
Evelyn Nesbit Theatrical Cabinet Cards.
Herzl, Theodor, 1860-1904. Compagniearbeit : Lustspiel in einem Act. Wien : Wallishausser, 1880.
Jewett, Sarah Orne, 1849-1909. Compositions and other papers, 1847-1909; Series: III. bMS Am 1743.26: Diaries, financial agreements, and miscellany; [A collection of 63 photographs of Sarah Orne Jewett and her home.]
MS Am 1743.26 (16)
Melville, Herman, 1819-1891. Battle-pieces and aspects of the war, 1866.
AC85 M4977 866b (A)
AC85 M4977 866b (C)
A Memoir of Miss Bateman : being a brief chronicle of the early successes and later triumphs of the great American tragic artiste, 1863.
Thr 852.9
Morselli, Adriano. Teodora Avgvsta, drama per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regal palazzo per lo compleaños del re nostro sig. Carlo II, 1692.
IC7 A100 B750 v.18
Panizza, Giacomo, 1804-1860. Palmina : ballo teatrale, Scala 1853 : manuscript, [1852].
HTC-LC M1520.P19 P3 1852
Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. The rationale of verse : manuscript, [ca. 1848].
MS Am 1228
Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. [Several manuscripts.]
MS Am 233
Pogibshīi︠a︡, no milyi︠a︡ sozdanii︠a︡, 1862-1863.
Il Sancio : dramma per la musica rappresentato in occasione delle nozze de serenissimi Alfonso e Laura principi di Modana. In Modana : Per Bartolomeo Soliani, 1656.
TS 8598.598 1656
Selden, John, 1584-1654. The discourse of John Selden, Esq. : or his sense of various matters of weight & high consequence, relating especially to religion & state, distingue tempora : manuscript, 1679.
MS Eng 1211.2
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894. Markheim : manuscript, [1884] and [1886].
MS Eng 269.2
MS Eng 269.3
Tappan, Caroline Sturgis, 1819-1888. Autograph note-book “The Blue-bell Butterfly Book”, containing various poems. Boston, Nov 1840.
MS Am 1221 (322)
Valla, Lorenzo, 1407-1457. Les menus propos fabuleux de Laurens Valle, enuoyez a son singulier amy Arnoult de Fouelle. On les vend a Paris … : Par Alain Lotrian, 1542 [or 1543].
Wycliffe, John, -1384. Sumula sumularum magistri Johanne Wyclif : manuscript, [between 1400 and 1425].
MS Lat 338