New Digitization Roundup, Part VI

Front facade of Houghton Library

Mandelʹshtam, Osip, 1891-1938. Primus : detskie stikhotvorenii︠a︡, 1925. Typ 958.25.555With this post we’ve now caught up on Houghton’s digitization for the 2012-2013 fiscal year; look for future updates coming soon, and remember that you can click on the Digitization tag for all our blog posts on the subject. Highlights in this post include an expose of the 19th century impostor known as Princess Caraboo, the logbook of the whaling ship General Scott, and documents of an early colonial governor of South Carolina.

Carraboo, Carraboo: the singular adventures of Mary Baker, alias princess of Javasu, who, under the disguises of a footman, and a wandering gipsey, proved herself to be a female Bampfyielde Moore Carew, 1817.

Elgar, Edward, 1857-1934. May-song : by Edward Elgar : manuscript, [1901?]
MS Mus 92

Elgar, Edward, 1857-1934. May-song : by Edward Elgar : manuscript, [1901?] MS Mus 92

Gál, Hans, 1890-1987. Drei Lieder (nach Gedichten von Rainer Maria Rilke) für drei Frauenstimmen (oder dreistimmigen Frauenchor) mit Klavierbegleitung, 1928.
GC9 R4574 Gz1

Garrison, J. B.,1858-. Life, recollections and experiences of J.B. Garrison, the Living skeleton, [1883?]
Thr 1229.30

Garrison, J. B.,1858-. Life, recollections and experiences of J.B. Garrison, the Living skeleton. Thr 1229.30.

General Scott (Ship). Journal from August 14, 1847-[Dec. 8, 1849]. Daniel B. Fearing logbook collection, 1816-1882.
F 6870.32

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1850-1924. Anna Cabot Mills Lodge. [Beverly Farms : s.n.], 1918 (Boston : Merrymount Press).

Manfredi, Gianvito. L’attore in scena; discorso nel quale raccolte sono le parti ad esso spettanti, 1746.
Thr 127.46

Nicholson, Francis, Sir, 1655-1728. Papers on South Carolina, 1720-1727.
MS Am 1455

Sir Francis Nicholson papers on South Carolina, 1720-1727. MS Am 1455 (17)

Peale, Charles Willson, 1741-1827, artist. Portrait of George Washington, [ca. 1775]
MS Am 1375

Peale, Charles Willson, 1741-1827, artist. Portrait of George Washington, [ca. 1775] MS Am 1375

Rafalovich, Sergieĭ, 1875- Khram Melʹpomeny : komedīia v chetyrekh dieĭstvīiakh, 1902.

Read, Thomas Buchanan, 1822-1872, artist. Portrait of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1860.*42M-1684

Read, Thomas Buchanan, 1822-1872, artist. Portrait of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1860. *42M-1684

Roosevelt, Nicholas, 1893-1982. Account of the Republican National Convention at Chicago, June 1912, compiled from notes taken on the spot : typescript, after 1912.
MS Am 2915

Śivadāsa, active 1487. Vetālapañcaviṃśati : manuscript.
MS Indic 1194

Śivadāsa, active 1487. Vetālapañcaviṃśati : manuscript. MS Indic 1194.

Società nazionale italiana. [A collection of miscellaneous leaflet publications, 1856-1860]
Ital 620.182

Ungher-Sabatier, Caroline. Lieder Mélodies et Stornelli.

Van der Kemp, Francis Adrian,1752-1829. Historical sketches on Calvin and Servetus : in letters to a friend / by Philalethes : manuscript, [1812].
MS Am 591

Versi lamentabili nella morte dello ill[ustrissi]mo et ex[cellentissim]o S[igno]r duca Alex[andr]o allo ill[ustrissi]mo et r[everendissi]mo signo[re] car[dina]le Cibo : manuscript, [ca. 1537].
MS Ital 182

Vitalis, Janus, 1490?-1560? Iani Vitalis Panormitani In divos archangelos hymni. [Rome : s.n., 1516?]
IC5.M5586.550m [No. 3]

Zamora (Venezuela : State). Constitución del estado soberano de Zamora : sancionada por la Asamblea Constituyente en la ciudad de Barinas a 3 de octubre de 1864, 1o. de la ley y 6o. de la federacion.
SA 9586.2* v.18 no.21