New Digitization Roundup, Part I

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Sheet music featuring the Grossmith family. “The parrot and the cat.” MS Thr 853 (10)It’s been a while since we updated you on the new digitization activity that is constantly going on here at Houghton, so here is a sampling of some of the items we’ve recently digitized in their entirety. This batch includes papers from the Dreyfus Affair, a Tchaikovsky score, and letters from the journalist and radical activist John Reed. (As a reminder, we also feature single images that have been digitized on the Houghton Library Tumblr.).

Avanzo, Giovanni Battista. Elogio del celebre P. Jacquier, 1790.
Math 120*

Avanzo, Giovanni Battista. Elogio del celebre P. Jacquier, 1790. Math 120*

Alfred Dreyfus correspondence and documents concerning the Dreyfus Affair.
MS Judaica 1.3

Berenson family papers. Letters of Bernhard and Mary Berenson to Judith Berenson.
MS Am 2013

Bossi, Cesare, 1773-1802. Pigmalion : a grand ballet, performed at the King’s Theatre, 1801.
M1497 .F758 1797

Bossi, Cesare, 1773-1802. Pigmalion : a grand ballet, performed at the King’s Theatre, 1801. M1497 .F758 1797

Corneille, Pierre, 1606-1684. Le theatre de P. Corneille, 1660. The plays “Horace” and “Pompee.”
*FC6 C8147 B660t

Dictionaries of Batan, Ybanag, Ylongotes and Mariano languages, 19th century.
MS Span 44

Fróis, Luís, -1597. Luís Fróis letters concerning Jesuit missionaries in Japan, ca. 1605.
MS Japan 3

Massini, Federico. La silfid,1861.
TS 5619.416

National Republican Club. Complimentary dinner tendered to Fred H. Wilson, Esq., at the Republican club of the city of New York, Saturday, April 1st, 1905.
Roosevelt R351.R29

National Republican Club. Complimentary dinner tendered to Fred H. Wilson, Esq., at the Republican club of the city of New York, Saturday, April 1st, 1905. Roosevelt R351.R29

Norton, Charles Eliot, 1827-1908. Letters from Arthur Hugh Clough, 1819-1861.
MS Am 1088 (1269-1315)

Pater, Walter, 1839-1894. Papers.
MS Eng 1150

Reed, John, 1887-1920. John Reed additional papers, letters to Anne and Frederick Bursch.
MS Am 1655 (59-70)

Reed, John, 1887-1920. John Reed additional papers, letters to Anne and Frederick Bursch. MS Am 1655 (60)

Sheet music featuring the Grossmith family. “The parrot and the cat.”
MS Thr 853 (10)

Sheet music featuring the Grossmith family. “The parrot and the cat.” MS Thr 853 (10)

Solomon, Bishop of Basra, fl. 1222. Ktaba d-luqaṭe d-metqre dborita : manuscript, 1893.
MS Syriac 77

Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. Catalogue of the valuable library of printed books and fine illuminated and other manuscripts of the late Edward Quaile, 1901.
B 1705.722*

Steibelt, Daniel, 1765-1823. Trois grandes sonates pour le piano-forte, [179-?]

Stothard, Thomas, 1755-1834. Illustrations for Milton’s L’Allegro. 16 drawings : ink and watercolor.
MS Typ 603

Stothard, Thomas, 1755-1834. Illustrations for Milton’s L’Allegro. 16 drawings : ink and watercolor. MS Typ 603

Stothard, Thomas, 1755-1834. A century of original drawings : manuscript with drawings, 1848.
MS Typ 791

Theatrical Mission (London, England). “Footlight flashes” of light and love, record of work in the Theatrical Mission, [1890].
Thr 366.15

Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilich, 1840-1893. La belle au bois dormant orchestral score.
MS Thr 495 (95) Volume 1; Volume 2; Volume 3; Volume 4

Whitchurch, James Wadham. Don Quixote : a comedy from Cervantes : manuscript, after 1795.
MS Eng 1367

[John Overholt, Curator of the Donald and Mary Hyde Collection of Dr. Samuel Johnson and Early Modern Books and Manuscripts, contributed this post]