Houghton Visiting Fellowship Recipients, 2013-14

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Each year, Houghton awards visiting fellowships to support scholars whose research requires the use of Houghton collections. We are pleased to announce the awarding of 26 fellowships for the 2013-14 fiscal year:

Gottfried Adam
Professor, University of Vienna, Austria
“‘Thumb Bible – a specific genre of children’s literature’ and the importance of the collections of the Houghton Library”
Katharine F. Pantzer Jr. Fellowship in Descriptive Bibliography

Chiara Ambrosio
Lecturer in History and Philosophy of Science, University College London
“Charles S. Peirce’s History of Science”
Joan Nordell Fellowship

Miguel Ariño-Durand, O.P.
Etudiant en doctorat en co-direction, Institut Catholique de Paris
“La Vie de la Bienheureuse Vierge Marie dans les traditions apocryphes syro-orientales”
Houghton Library Fellowship

Hala Auji
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Art History, Binghamton University, SUNY
“Typesetting Modernity: American Missionary Publications and the Nascent Press in the Middle East (1820-1870)”
Houghton Mifflin Fellowship in Publishing History

Louise Curran
Junior Research Fellow, Trinity College, University of Oxford
“Editing correspondence in the Johnson circle: Hester Thrale Piozzi, Anna Seward and Percival Stockdale”
Donald and Mary Hyde Fellowship for the Study of Dr. Samuel Johnson and his Circle

Giuseppe D’Ottavi
Postdoctoral Fellow, Institut des Textes et Manuscrits modernes, Paris, France
“From Geneva to Harvard, through India: Ferdinand de Saussure Papers at Houghton Library”
Joan Nordell Fellowship

Steffi Dippold
Lecturer, Department of English, Stanford University
“The Missionary Matriarchive: John Eliot’s Wampanoag Bible and the Materiality of Colonial Bookmaking”
Eleanor M. Garvey Fellowship in Printing and Graphic Arts

Scott Enderle
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of English, Skidmore College
“Bluestocking Copyright: Gender, Property, and the Intellectual Commons”
Houghton Mifflin Fellowship in Publishing History

Holly James-Maddocks
Ph.D. Candidate, Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York
“Collaborative Book Production in Fifteenth Century London: Scribes and Illuminators, 1420-1490”
Katharine F. Pantzer Jr. Fellowship in Descriptive Bibliography

Kevin Kim
Postdoctoral Fellow, Thinking Matters Program, VPUE, Stanford University
“Diplomacies of Dissent: Henry Wallace, Herbert Hoover, and Cold War America’s Rise in the World”
William Dearborn Fellowship in American History

Zoe LeBlanc
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Vanderbilt University
“Rethinking Missions in the Middle East: The Life of Alford Carleton and the History of United States-Middle East Relations”
Rodney G. Dennis Fellowship in the Study of Manuscripts

Charles Legere
Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pittsburgh
“‘Student Was “Out”; They often Get that Way…’: A Secret and ‘Living’ History of American Poetry via its ‘Accidents’ and The Woodberry Poetry Room”
Houghton Library Fellowship

Philip Lockley
British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Oxford
“Emerson’s Transatlantic Socialist Network”
Ralph Waldo Emerson Fellowship

Simon Macdonald
Teaching Fellow, University College London; Visiting Fellow, Beinecke Library, Yale University
“The novelist Elizabeth Meeke, the Minerva Press, and the late eighteenth-century literary market”
Katharine F. Pantzer Jr. Fellowship in Descriptive Bibliography

Christopher F. Minty
Ph.D. Candidate, School of Arts & Humanities, University of Stirling
“Loyalism and Community: New York, c. 1763-1783”
William Dearborn Fellowship in American History

David Montejano
Professor of Ethnic Studies and History, University of California, Berkeley
“The Charles Stillman Papers and the Trade in Southern Cotton during the American Civil War”
Joan Nordell Fellowship

Warren Oakley
Independent Scholar
“The Eclipse of Jupiter and the Secret World of Theatre: The First Biography of Thomas Harris, the Proprietor and Manager of Covent Garden Theatre, 1774-1820”
Joan Nordell Fellowship

Erin Pauwels
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of the History of Art, Indiana University
“Sarony’s Living Pictures: Performance, Photography & Gilded Age American Art”
Beatrice, Benjamin, and Richard Bader Fellowship in the Visual Arts of the Theatre

Paolo Pellegrini
Researcher in Philology of Italian Literature at Universita di Verona
“Humanistic and Renaissance Annotated Books in Houghton Library”
Katharine F. Pantzer Jr. Fellowship in Descriptive Bibliography

Monica Peretto
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Humanities, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italy
“Houghton Library MS Typ 555, the Bible Historiale of Charles V of France (1364-80) and its scribe, Raoulet d’Orleans?”
Eleanor M. Garvey Fellowship in Printing and Graphic Arts

Ligia Ravenna Pinheiro
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Dance, The Ohio State University
“Early Nineteenth Century Italian Ballet Libretti”
Howard D. Rothschild Fellowship in Dance

Robert Sandberg
Adjunct Professor of Education, California State University, Los Angeles
“A transcription of the manuscripts comprising Herman Melville’s poems ‘At the Hostelry’ and ‘Naples in the Time of Bomba’ and related prose pieces [MS Am 188 (386 A, B, and C)], which, along with reading texts, will be published in Volume 13 of the Northwestern-Newberry edition of the Writings of Herman Melville”
Rodney G. Dennis Fellowship in the Study of Manuscripts

Niccola Shearman
Ph.D. Candidate, The Courtauld Institute of Art
“Final form and formal reduction: the role of the woodcut in the work of Lyonel Feininger”
Eleanor M. Garvey Fellowship in Printing and Graphic Arts

Daniel Sheerin
Emeritus Professor of Classics, University of Notre Dame
“Marketing the Missal”
Katharine F. Pantzer Jr. Fellowship in Descriptive Bibliography

Claude Willan
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English, Stanford University
“Hostile Takeover: The Tory Seizure of Eighteenth-Century Literary History”
W. Jackson Bate/Douglas W. Bryant/American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS)

Ingeborg Zechner
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Musicology, University of Graz
“Opera Business in Nineteenth Century London”
John M. Ward Fellowship in Dance and Music for the Theatre