An exciting array of materials have recently been digitized at Houghton. They include manuscript material from Joanna Baillie, George Eliot, John Keats, Charles Lamb, Percy Shelley, Robert Southey, Alfred Tennyson, Hester Thrale and George Washington. A 15th century breviary and Belgian incunable, multiple musical scores, cartoons, broadsides and more may also be viewed fully online.

Arne, Thomas Augustine, 1710-1778. Gentle youth, ah tell me why : an air in the opera of Love in a village / composed by Doct.r Arne. Dublin : Printed for the author, and may be had of all the music sellers in the United Kingdon, [180-?]. 2010TW-28 [Box 1, no. 17b.]
Vocal and orchestral score with some manuscript annotations.
Bianchi, F. (Francesco), ca. 1752-1810. Nel silenzio i mesti passi : the celebrated song as sung by Madame Banti, in the opera of Alzira / composed by Sigr. Bianchi. London : Printed for Rt. Birchall at his musical circulating library, 133 New Bond Street, [1801?] 2010TW-28 [Box 1, no. 12a.]
Score for soprano and orchestra first performed on 17 March 1801 at the King’s Theatre in London (Mme. Banti singing).
Bouchot, Frédéric, b. 1798. Les bonnes têtes musicales. [Paris] : Chez Aubert, [184-?]. 44W-2685.
A volume featuring various caricatures of French musicians in the raptures of music-making.
Bradford, Gamaliel, 1795-1839. Boston and Nahant, a poem, delivered at Cambridge, 1820, before the P.B.K. society. By Gamaliel Bradford, jun. Boston: Printed by Russell & Gardner. 1822. AC9 B7276 Y941b.

Gamaliel Bradford, a superintendent of Massachusetts General Hospital, authored this ode to Boston (that “Fantastic town!” where “many a patriot sleeps beneath thy sod”) and delivered it to the Phi Beta Kappa Society.
Brown, Charles Armitage, 1786-1842. Life of John Keats. A.MS.s.; [n.p., 1836-1840], part of Keats, John, 1795-1821. Collection, 1814-1891. MS Keats 4.3.27.
Contains Brown’s transcripts of nine letters of Keats, of which only one original has survived.
Catholic Church. Breviary : manuscript, [between 1441 and 1448]. MS Typ 301
A fragment of 10 leaves consisting of the beginning of the Proprium de sanctis.
Chopin, Frédéric, 1810-1849. Second concerto pour le piano avec acct. d’orchestre, op. 21 / par Fréd. Chopin ; piano seul. Paris : Maurice Schlesinger, [1836]. 93B-107.
Score for piano and orchestra; arr. for solo piano and engraved throughout.
Eliot, George, 1819-1880. Quarry for Middlemarch : manuscript, undated.
The autograph manuscript of notes for Eliot’s Middlemarch.
Forrester, Alfred Henry, 1804-1872. Pantomime as it was is and will be by Alfred Crowquill : drawings, undated.
14 pen and ink and watercolor pantomime sketches produced under the pseudonym, “Alfred Crowquill,” which was employed jointly brothers Alfred Henry and Charles Robert Forrester.
Harris, John, puppeteer. John Harris’s booth, Bartholemew-fair … is to be seen, The court of King Henry the Second; and the death of fair Rosamond … [London, ca.1700?] TS 555 1 [No.2]
A broadside playbill for a puppet show “acted by figures as large as children two years old”!
Jeffrey, John transcripts of letters of John Keats, part of Keats, John, 1795-1821. Collection, 1814-1891. MS Keats 3.9.
Jeffery’s transcripts from 1845 provide the only authority for the text of six of letters.
Lombard, Frank Alanson, b. 1872. The Lombard tradition : chapters of autobiography : typescript, after 1943. ABC 76 Lombard.
Frank A. Lombard was an American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions missionary and a member of the faculty of Doshisha University in Tokyo, 1900-1926. This family history was written for his children and specifically details his time as a missionary in Japan.
Manzotti, Luigi, 1835-1905. Excelsior : azione coreografica, storica, allegorica, fantastica in 6 parti ed 11 quadri / Luigi Manzotti ; musica di Romualdo Marenco. Milano : Ricordi, [1881]. TS 5220.414 1881 (A)
A detailing of the Italian Ballet, Excelsior.
Mascagni, Pietro, 1863-1945. [Alla gioja] A.MS.s.; Leghorn, 28 Jul 1881 – 14 Feb 1882, part of Macnutt, Richard, collector. Richard Macnutt collection of musical autographs, 1820-1916 and undated. MS Mus 149.
Cantata for solo voices, chorus, and orchestra based on Andrea Maffei’s translation of Schiller’s “An die Freude.”
Moxon, Emma Isola, 1809-1891, compiler. Autograph album, 1817-1873 and undated. MS Eng 601.66.
Poems by figures such as Keats, Tennyson, Wordsworth, Charles Lamb, Hester Thrale, Thomas Moore and Joanna Baillie, addressed to and compiled in an album by Emma Isola Moxon.
Nicolini, Giuseppe, 1762-1842. Or che l’indissolubile : arietta, with an accompaniment for the piano forte / composed by G. Nicolini, to which are added ornaments & graces by Signor Velluti. London : J.B. Cramer, Addison & Beale, [1824]. 2010TW-28 [Box 9, no. 138b.]
Score for voice and piano with contemporary manuscript embellishments on the vocal line.
Pierre, de la Cépède, 15th cent. De historie van deme vramen riddere Paris vnde va[n]der schone Vienna des Dolfijns dochter. [Antwerp : Gerard Leeu, 1488]. Inc 9380.5 (32.3).
A charming incunable with crudely colored woodcuts featuring disproportionately tall figures throughout.
Portugal, Marcos Antônio da Fonseca, 1762-1830. Frenar vorrei le lacrime : aria / del Sigr. Portogallo : manuscript, [after 1802]. 2010TW-28 [Box 1, no. 17b.]
Libretto by M. Botturini; first performed in Lisbon at the Teatro San Carlos, 19 February 1802. Signed by Angelica Catalani.
Rossini, Gioacchino, 1792-1868. Ah come mai : duetto from Rossini’s opera, Tancredi / with embellishments by Signor Velluti. London : J.B. Cramer Addison & Beale, 201 Regent Street, corner of Conduit Street, [1828?] 2010TW-28 [Box 9, no. 138e.]
Original orchestral arrangement for piano from the opera Tancredi, based on Voltaire’s Tancrède.
Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de, 1737-1814. Observations sur la Hollande [and other texts] : manuscript, [18–] MS Fr 368.
Manuscript descriptions of travel in the Netherlands, Poland, Prussia, and Russia, later published in Oeuvres complètes (1826).
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 1792-1822. Poems : manuscript, [18–]. MS Eng 258.2.
Manuscript in Mary Shelley hand of a number of Shelley poems including, “To a sky-lark,” “Ode to liberty,” “The sensitive plant,” “The Indian Serenade.”
Southey, Robert, 1774-1843. The poets pilgrimage to la belle alliance : manuscript, [ca. 1816]. MS Eng 934.
The manuscript which would later be published as Poet’s pilgrimage to Waterloo.
Washington, George, pres. U.S., 1732-1799. [Sally Cary Fairfax]; Camp at Fort Cumberland, 12 Sep 1758. Part of the Susan Dwight Bliss autograph collection, 1481-1915. MS Fr 167 (57).
A letter from Washington to his supposed object of affection, Sally Cary Fairfax, mistress of the Belvoir plantation in Virginia.
The young-mans victory over the povver of the Devil. Or, Strange and vvonderful news from the city of London … [London] Printed for P. Brooksby at the Golden Ball near the Bear tavern in Pye-corner. [1693] EBB65H v.2 [No. 321]
A broadside illustrating Satan’s temptations of a studious young Londoner.
Contributed by Emilie Hardman, Metadata and Reference Assistant.