New digitization roundup

Front facade of Houghton Library

Ochino, Bernardino, 1487-1564. Dialogi . IC5.Oc350.540db[Thanks to Emilie Hardman, Public Services/Metadata Assistant, for contributing this post]

Newly digitized items at Houghton include a significant array of material from manuscript collections, such as the Robert Gould Shaw papers, Mary Moody Emerson’s Almanac, the letters of Christophe Daniel Ebeling letters to William Bentley, research materials from the Charles S. Peirce collection, charmingly illustrated letters to Pauline Viardot-Garcia, a leaf of the Dante Rossetti manuscript buried with Elizabeth Siddall, and a translation into Sanskrit of Don Quixote. An example of Jesuit printing in 17th century China, a catalog describing the curious library of Regency miniaturist Richard Cosway, a late 19th century “reductio ad absurdam” [sic] literary journal, and other engaging printed works are also now represented in digital form.

Alenio, Giulio, 1582-1649.
[Life and passion of Christ]
[China, ca. 1640]

The life of Jesus written in Chinese by Italian Jesuit missionary, Giulio Alenio, who established a thirty year residency in China and authored a number of books in China on theological topics.

Giulio Alenio. Life an Passion of Christ. *52-1049

Brentano, Clemens, 1778-1842.
Letter : to Melchior, Freiherr von Diepenbrock, 1829 Jan. 26.
MS Ger 165|library/m/aleph|009761069

A letter from German poet and novelist, Clemens Brentano, to the German Catholic Prince-Bishop of Breslau and Cardinal, Melchior von Diepenbrock.

Burnett, J. G.
Blanche of Brandywine : an American patriotic spectacle dramatised for, and originally performed at Laura Keene’s Theatre, Thursday evening, April 22, 1858, with unbounded success … (Acting edition).
New York : S. French, 1858.
HTC-LC PS1219.B2 B53 1858x

Based on George Lippard’s “Blanche of Brandywine,” the play, conceived of by Joseph Jefferson and written by stage manager James G. Burnett, features (as Jefferson detailed in his autobiography) “marches, and counter-marches, murders, abductions, hairbreadth escapes, militia trainings, extravagant Yankee comicalities … red-hot conspiracies, blazing haystacks, and rifle balls …”

Croly, Herbert David, 1869-1930.
Religion in life : typescript, [19–]
MS Am 1291

An essay concerning the history of early Christianity, the emergence of Puritans during the Protestant Reformation, and the place of Puritan Christian ideology in the contemporary, rational and scientific world.

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616.
Ḍān Kviḥoṭe : manuscript, 1936.
MS San 21

Jagaddharajāḍū Śāstrī;’s translation into Sanskrit of Don Quixote, chapters 2-3, 8, 20, 23, and 26-28.

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616. Ḍān Kviḥoṭe. MS San 21

Heath, Herman H., d.1874.
Letter from Gen’l H.H. Heath.
[Washington, 1870]
AC85 H3517 870ℓ

Heath’s open letter to the US Senate outlining his military and political career. This copy a gift of Charles Sumner.

Ebeling, Christophe Daniel, 1741-1817.
Christophe Daniel Ebeling letters to William Bentley and other letters, 1795-1817.
MS Am 576

The entirety of this collection, which consists primarily of the correspondence from German librarian and professor, Christophe Daniel Ebeling, to the American minister and scholar, William Bentley, has been digitized.

Emerson, Charles Chauncy, 1808-1836.
Lecture on slavery, Concord (Mass.) : manuscript, 1835 Apr. 29.
MS Am 82.6

Autograph manuscript draft lecture on slavery, once attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Emerson family.
Emerson family papers, 1699-1939.
[Almanac] A.MS.; [v.p., 1804-1855& n.d.].
MS Am 1280.235 (385, folders 1-17).

Entries from Mary Moody Emerson’s “Almanack,” 1804 to 1855.

Emerson, Mary Moody, 1774-1863. [Almanac] MS Am 1280.235

Filocalo, Giovanni, 1497?-1561.
Ioannis Philocali … Genethliacvm carmen in diem natalem F. filii Alphonsi Avali et Mariae de Aragonia
[Naples, 1531]
IC5 F4873 B537c

Bound with In reditvm illvstrissimi Ferrandi Sanseverinii Salern, Carmen nuptiale in Fabritii Maramavri nobilis, Canzone del Philocalo recitata in Napoli al illvstrissimo …, La canzone de Italia …, and Canzone in loda dele dve sorelle

Great Britain. Court of Common Pleas.
Trials at law with council pleadings : for John Wilkes vs. George Montagu Dunk, Earl of Halifax : manuscript, 1769 Nov. 10.
MS Eng 601.60

A transcription of the shorthand records taken by William Blanchard, in an unidentified hand. Records of the trial in which Wilkes accused Dunk, John Money, and James Watson of trespassing and false imprisonment and challenged the legitimacy of a general warrant issued by the George Grenville ministry directed against the authors, printers and publishers of The Briton. Formerly owned by Edmund John Gylnn, the (1799) High Sheriff of Cornwall.

Le Petit journal des refusées.
San Francisco, Calif. : Published by James Marrion, 1896.
AC9 B9125 896pb (A)
AC9 B9125 896pb (B)
A “reductio ad absurdam” [sic] literary journal in which works “ruthlessly rejected by less large-hearted and appreciative editors than [James Marrion, 2nd] are permitted to witness the light of day for the first and last time.”

Le Petit Journal des Refusées. AC9.B9125.896pb

Lezay Marnésia, Adrien, comte de, 1770-1814.
De la faiblesse d’un gouvernement qui commence, et de la nécessité où il est de se rallier à la majorité nationale.
Paris, Chez B. Mathey [an IV.] [1795]
Fr 1340.09

A commentary on governance by the French prefect and diplomat, Lezay.

Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer Lytton, Earl of, 1831-1891.
Lucile : manuscript, [not before 1860]
MS Am 889.433

A collection of 13 pen and ink drawings by “J. H. W.” with excerpts from Lytton’s verse novel, Lucile, originally published under his pseudonym Owen Meredith while he served as British Consul General at Belgrade.

Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer Lytton, Earl of, 1831-1891. Lucile. MS Am 889.433

Mosher, Thomas Bird, 1852-1923.
Thomas Bird Mosher papers, 1890-1939 (inclusive) 1895-1924 (bulk).
MS Am 1096

From the Mosher papers, the correspondence of Thomas Bird Mosher to various recipients including Eugene Hale, Ezra Pound and Lizette Woodworth Reese.

Niccolò,de’ Tudeschi, Archbishop, 1386-1445.
Abbatis Panormitani Commentaria …in primum[-quintum] decretalium librum.
Venetiis. MDLXXI.


Ochino, Bernardino, 1487-1564.
Dialogi del reverendo padre frate Bernardino Occhino … : Nuouamente stampati, & con somma diligentia corretti.
[Venice] MDXLII.

Prediche del Reverendo Padre Frate Bernardino Occhino Senese Generale dell’ordeine di frati Capuzzini, predicate nelle inclita citta di Vinegia, del MDXXXIX.
In Vinegia : [s.n.], 1541.

Two works by Bernardino Ochino, the Italian reformer who decamped from his Franciscan order to the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin and then became a notable and early Calvinist pastor. Prediche contains a collection of his sermons while Dialogi explores and champions his change in religious affiliation.

Ochino, Bernardino, 1487-1564. Dialogi . IC5.Oc350.540db

Peirce, Charles S. (Charles Sanders), 1839-1914.
Charles Sanders Peirce papers, 1787-1951.
MS Am 1632
An interesting selection of research notes and prodigious doodling from the Peirce collection:

CSP (163) Studies, real curves:
CSP (923-923S): [Color digital images available of entire work]
CSP (936): [Color digital images available of entire work]
CSP (1537) Labyrinth: [Color digital image available]
CSP (1538): [Color digital image available]
CSP (1539):

Peirce, Charles S. (Charles Sanders), 1839-1914. Labyrinth. MS Am 1632 (1537)

Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884.
Wendell Phillips papers, 1555-1882 (inclusive) 1833-1881 (bulk).
MS Am 1953

Select correspondence from the Wendell Phillips papers, including:

(924) Nell, William Cooper, 1816-1874. 23 letters; 1839-1866.
(942) Oliver, John. 9 letters; 1856-1878 & [n.d.].
(1036) Remond, Charles Lenox, 1810-1873. 8 letters; 1844-1846.
(1036) Remond, Charles Lenox, 1810-1873. 8 letters; 1844-1846.
(1037) Remond, Elizabeth M. 8 letters; 1864-1868.
(1024) Randall, Susan P. 6 letters; 1858-1859.

Robinson, Thomas, d. 1810.
Letters to Thomas Percy, 1802-1807.
MS Eng 734.3

The entirety of this collection of letters from Thomas Robinson, son of the engraver Thomas Romney Robinson, to the English antiquary Thomas Percy has been digitized. The collection also includes poems and an essay by Robinson.

Rose, Edward, 1849-1904.
The prisoner of Zenda; [a romantic play and a prologue in four acts] : manuscript.
TS 4532.472

A dramatization of Anthony Hope’s novel of the same name.

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 1828-1882.
Praise and prayer : manuscript, [before 1862]
MS Eng 769

One of three surviving leaves from a book of poetry buried with Elizabeth Siddall, Rossetti’s wife, in 1862, and retrieved in 1869, so the poems could be published. The other two leaves are held by the Beinecke Library and in the Ashley Library at the British Library. A transcript and more information about the manuscript are available in the Rossetti Archives.

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 1828-1882. Praise and prayer. MS Eng 769

Wise, Thomas James, 1859-1937.
A leaf from the grave, 1862-1869 : manuscript, [19–]
MS Eng 769.2

Autograph manuscript, signed, relaying the story of a poetry manuscript of Dante Gabriel Rossetti that was buried with his late wife, Elizabeth Siddall, before being recovered and published.

Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de, 1737-1814.
Observations sur la Hollande [and other texts] : manuscript, [18–]

Includes the following, published in Oeuvres complètes (1826) II, 161-286: Observations sur la Hollande (ff. 3-4v). — Observations sur la Prusse (ff. 5-8r). — De la Pologne (ff. 10-12v). — De la Russie (ff. 13-19r). Notes : Autograph manuscript signed. Bound with Voyage de Freycinet, a partial manuscript report in an unidentified hand (probably that of Jacques Arago) of the voyage around the world of the Uranie, made to the Ministre de la marine et des colonies of L’Académie Royale des Sciences and issued as a Supplement to the Moniteur universel, 29 May 1821.

Shaw, Robert Gould, 1837-1863.
Robert Gould Shaw letters to his family and other papers, 1852-1947 (inclusive) 1855-1863 (bulk).
MS Am 1910

The entirety of this fragile collection consisting of letters by Robert Gould Shaw to his family, including 98 letters to his mother, 31 to his father, and some to his sisters and brothers-in-law has been digitized. Most were written during the Civil War, though some to his parents are from his pre-war days when he traveled in Europe and was a student at Harvard. Also contains a memorial poem to Shaw by James Russell Lowell, correspondence and genealogical notes of the Barlow family (one of Shaw’s sisters married Francis Channing Barlow), and a box of notes for a biography of Shaw by Louisa Barlow Jay.

Notice of the death of Robert Gould Shaw. MS Am 1910 (14)

Stanley, Mr.
A catalogue of the very curious, extensive, and valuable library of Richard Cosway, Esq. R.A. : consisting of a numerous collection of early works on divinity, history, poetry, fine arts, an unusual assemblage of treatises on magic, necromancy, apparitions, vampires, &c. &c. a variety of literature and about 50 lots of most excellent manuscript music … / which will be sold by auction by Mr. Stanley at Mr. Cosway’s late residence, no. 20 Stratford Place … on Friday, the 8th of June …
[London : s.n., 1821?]

The auction catalog describing Regency miniaturist Richard Cosway’s library.

Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745.
The last speech and dying words of Ebenezor Ellison, who is to be executed this second day of May, 1722. Publish’d at his desire for the common good.
Dublin: Printed by John Harding in Molesworth’s-court in Fish-shamble-street. [1722]
EB7 Sw551 722ℓ

Tappan, Caroline Sturgis, 1819-1888.
Caroline Sturgis Tappen papers, 1838-1921.
MS Am 1221 (322).

Autograph note-book “The Blue-bell Butterfly Book”, containing various poems and drawings done in 1840.

Vény, Jenny, compiler.
Autograph album : manuscript, 1841-1880.
MS Mus 103

75 musical autographs of 19th-century composers collected by Jenny Vény, daughter of oboist Louis Auguste Vény. Composers include Adam, Auber, Berlioz, Cherubini, Chopin, Donizetti, Gounod, Halévy, Kreutzer, Liszt, Mainvielle-Fodor, Meyerbeer, Moscheles, Rossini, Spontini, Thomas, and Viardot-Garcia.

Liszt, Franz, 1811-1886. Preludio. MS Mus 103

Viardot-García, Pauline, 1821-1910.
Pauline Viardot-Garcia papers, 1836-1905.
MS Mus 232 (14)

Viardot, Claudie (1852-1914). Letters to Pauline Viardot-Garcia, 1863-1881 and undated. 1 folder.

Claudie was the daughter of PVG. Some letters illustrated with pencil and pen drawings; some in German. With one letter by Marianne Viardot and by Paul Viardot, Claudie’s siblings, as well as two letters by Georges Chamerot, Claudie’s husband, all addressed to PVG.

Viardot-García, Pauline, 1821-1910. MS Mus 232 (14)

Wilkes, John, 1725-1797.
A catalogue of the valuable library of John Wilkes, esq : which will be sold by auction, by Samuel Baker, in York-Street, Covent Garden, on Thursday, May the 3d, 1764, and the four following days (Sunday excepted) beginning each day punctually at twelve o’clock. [London], [1764].