Newly digitized items for April

Front facade of Houghton Library

Auldjo, John. Sketches of Vesuvius. Typ 825.32.1757Images of Mt. Vesuvius, a collection of African-American folk ballads, and a 16th century type specimen are among this month’s newly digitized items. [Thanks to Emilie Hardman, Public Services/Metadata Assistant, for contributing this post.]

Alemán, Mateo, 1547-1614? Ortografía castellana.
En Mexico, En la emprenta da I. Balli, 1609.

Alemán, Mateo. Ortografía castellana. SC6.Al255.609o

Auldjo, John, d. 1857. Sketches of Vesuvius : with short accounts of its principal eruptions, from the commencement of the Christian era to the present time.
Naples : G. Glass, 1832.
Typ 825 32.1757

Color digital images are available of all plates in this volume, illustrating Vesuvius.

Auldjo, John.  Sketches of Vesuvius. Typ 825.32.1757

Blair, Charles White. Statement relative to the Osage Treaty.
[Kansas? : s.n., 1868]

Concerning the signing of a treaty between the Osage Nation and N.G. Taylor, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, conveying to the Leavenworth, Lawrence, and Galveston Railroad Company land in Kansas.

Cippico, Coriolano, 1425?-1493? Delle guerre de’ Veneziani nell’Asia dal MCCCCLXX al MCCCCLXXIIII.
Venezia, C. Palese, 1796.
Typ 725.96.284

Cippico, Coriolano. Delle guerre de' Veneziani nell'Asia. Typ 725.96.284

Doctrina federal / (articulos de la redacción de “El Federalista”) ; y Leyes secundarias (articulos del colaborador del mismo diario, doctor Cecilio Acosta).
Caracas : Imprenta de “El Federalista,” 1869.
SA 9586.2* v.19 (18)

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 1762-1814. Lecture notes concerning philosophy. Manuscript, 1796.
MS Ger 98

The lecture notes of Gottlieb, one of the founding figures of German idealism.

Godounov, Petr Ivanovich. [Map of Siberia, 1667]
MS Russ 72 (1)

This, the earliest Russian general map of Siberia was removed from the Semën Ul’ianovich Remezov cartographic sketchbook, which has also been digitized in full. (See our previous post on the Remezov sketchbook here.)

Godounov, Petr Ivanovich. Map of Siberia. MS Russ 72 (1)

Langford, Mr. (Abraham), 1711-1774. A catalogue of the curious and valuable library of Ebenezer Mussel, Esq; of Bethnal Green, lately deceas’d.
[London] : Mr. Langford’s, [1766].
B 1705.485.5* (No. 4).

This catalog of the library of Ebenezer Mussel may be compared to another copy, also digitized in full.

A pleasant commodie called Looke about you.
London : Printed for William Ferbrand, 1600.
STC 16799

A pleasant commodie called Looke about you. STC 16799

Perrow, Eber Carle, 1880-1968. Eber Carle Perrow collection of Southern ballads, 1908-1909.
MS Am 1576

The entirety of this collection of Southern ballads gathered by Eber Carle Perrow, a 1908 Harvard Ph.D. in English Philology, has been made digitally available. Perrow was a lover of folk songs and in this collection focused on lyrics of Southern African-American ballad folk songs.

Pugni, Cesare, 1802-1870, composer. Little humpbacked horse (Choreographic work : Gorski) [Конек-горбунок] : Stepanov dance notation score.
Autograph manuscript, 1912.
MS Thr 245 (129)

Eight permutations of the Stepanov dance notation score for the Little Humpbacked Horse ballet, based on Pyotr Yershov’s fairy tale about the magic little horse who carries innumerable treasures to the Tsar for his keeper, Ivan, a peasant’s son.

Stepanov dance notation score for Little humpbacked horse. MS Thr 245 (129)

Trissino, Giovanni Giorgio, 1478-1550. [Type specimen sheet]
[Vicenza, Tolomeo Gianicolo, 1529].
TypTS 525.29.847

Type-specimen sheet of alphabets, minuscule & majuscule, with combinations of letters possible in Italian, Italian versions of the Lord’s prayer & Ave Maria, & 4 lines of verse demonstrating the utility of the new letters introduced by Trissino.

Trissino, Giovanni Giorgio. Type specimen. TypTS 525.29.845

William Woodville Rockhill papers.
MS Am 2121

Hundreds of pages from William Woodville Rockhill, the American scholar-diplomat who specialized in the Near and Far East, have been digitized including letters to Rockhill from John Otway Percy Bland, A. R. Burkill, Charles William Campbell, Valentine Chirol, J. S. Fearon, Henry Prather Fletcher, Lionel Giles, John Hay, George Ernest Morrison, William Barclay Parsons, Sir Ernest Mason Satow, Willard Straight and Shih-Kai Yuan. Rockhill was known for being one of the first Westerners to befriend and advise a Dalai Lama of Tibet.

A word to the public, in answer to the Minor [by Samuel Foote].
London: Printed for A. Kingman, 1760.

Zulia (Venezuela). Constitución del estado soberano del Zulia : sancionada por su Asamblea Constituyente el diez y ocho de enero de 1868.
Maracaibo : Valerio P. Toledo, [1868].
SA 9586.2* v.19 (13).