Houghton’s current exhibition, “The Bible in Type, from Gutenberg to Rogers”, marks the 400th anniversary of the publishing of the King James Bible by looking at the history of the Bible as a designed book. It offers viewers the rare opportunity to see such landmarks of printing as the Gutenberg Bible (ca. 1455), the Plantin…
Theodore Roosevelt, digitized
[Thanks to Alison Harris, Roosevelt Project Cataloger/Metadata Specialist, for contributing this post] As part of a collaborative project with Dickinson State University in North Dakota, material from the Theodore Roosevelt Collection is currently being digitized and linked to online finding aids. Particularly interesting is the correspondence between Theodore Roosevelt and his family, as it provides…
Newly digitized items for February
Manuscripts by Melville and Mozart, and drawings by Thackeray and Vizetelly, are among this month’s newly digitized items. [Thanks to Emilie Hardman, Public Services/Metadata Assistant, and Susan Pyzynski, Associate Librarian for Technical Services, for contributing this post.]…
A Revolution in publishing
[Thanks to Project Music Cataloger Christina Linklater for contributing this post.] In 1794, a governmental decree led to the foundation of a new music publishing firm in Paris. The company’s full name, Magasin de musique à l’usage des fêtes nationales, indicates that this was a practical enterprise, one of many new initiatives brought forth as…