Month: June 2010

Front facade of Houghton Library

The Sertenas Group: Printers and Publishers, Paris, 1540-1570

[This post written by Christopher H. Walker, a member of the cataloging faculty at Penn State University Libraries, and a Katherine F. Pantzer Jr. Fellow, 2010] The fact that French publishers of the mid-16th century formed partnerships to share printing expenses and co-distribute books is well known; but the shifting membership of these project-based partnerships…

Eliot at Harvard

The new Harvard Gazette has a full story on our exhibition on T.S. Eliot’s time at Harvard, mentioned here previously. The exhibition will be up through June 26th….

Hours of labor

[Thanks to Lake Conservator Mary Oey for contributing this post.] This is a first edition copy of Lord Byron’s Hours of Idleness, owned by Byron’s friend John Cam Hobhouse. Hobhouse bought the book and had it rebound with alternating blank interleaves, which he energetically filled with editorializing remarks and other — often snarky — comments…

The American Minstrel Show Collection

[Thanks to Senior Manuscript Cataloger Bonnie Salt for contributing this post] A large and historically important collection of American minstrelsy materials has just been cataloged for the Harvard Theatre Collection and the finding aid is now available on OASIS: American Minstrel Show Collection (MS Thr 556)…