Month: May 2010

Front facade of Houghton Library

Filling in the cracks

[Thanks to Ward cataloger Andrea Cawelti for providing the basis for this post.] Carl Maria von Weber’s opera Der Freischütz was an immediate hit when it was first performed in Berlin in 1821, creating strong demand for a printed score. Like nearly all musical scores of the time period, the score was printed from engraved…


[This post was written by Craig Eliason, Katherine F. Pantzer Jr. Fellow, 2010] The history of printing types is full of confusing labels for the varied letterform designs that have emerged over the centuries. The complicated nomenclature devised for what are now most commonly called sans-serif types is a case in point. Sans-serif letters, as…

Most Likely to Succeed

A new exhibition in Houghton’s Chaucer Case celebrates the 100th anniversary of T.S. Eliot’s graduation from Harvard. See the Houghton Modern blog for more details on Class Notes: The Centenary of T.S. Eliot at Harvard 1910-2010….