Harvard Undergraduate Foreign Policy Initiative
What is HUFPI?
Harvard Undergraduate Foreign Policy Initiative (HUFPI) is Harvard’s premier student-led foreign policy organization, connecting undergraduates of all identities and perspectives to the world of foreign policy decision-making. HUFPI spearheads semesterly research programs through which Harvard students, paired with mentors from the commissioning organizations, engage in critical policy research for influential institutions. HUFPI’s programs and operations branches drive HUFPI’s growth, create member opportunities, and foster community. Members gain unique insights into the workings of one of the largest undergraduate foreign policy NGOs in the world.
It is HUFPI’s mission and responsibility to inspire, train, and prepare future generations of leaders in foreign policy, national security, intelligence, diplomacy, and defense.
HUFPI Mission Statement

Policy Projects
Each semester, HUFPI provides comprehensive foreign policy analysis for 10-15 domestic and foreign government agencies, non-profits, international organizations, and think tanks. In the past, HUFPI has delivered research to U.S. government agencies such as the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. foreign entities such as NATO and the United Nations, private clients such as Facebook and Citigroup, and NGOs such as World Wildlife Fund and the International Rescue Committee. HUFPI has also partnered with the governments of Ukraine, Egypt, Pakistan, Sweden, Peru, South Korea, Sudan, Kazakhstan, the Czech Republic, and Tunisia.

HUFPI frequently partners with universities and other institutions to host summits and conferences dedicated to discussing foreign policy subjects. In the past, we have hosted such conferences in London, Paris, Seoul, Costa Rica, and Rome. These conferences leverage our ability to attract leaders in the field to create truly exceptional events for all parties. HUFPI also leads a number of annual conference initiatives for high school students, namely the Harvard University International Relations Scholars Program and the HUFPI Youth Partnership for International Relations. We invite interested universities, think tanks, and other organizations to contact our executive team to initiate discussions of partnerships.