
Doris Sommer

DirectorIra and Jewell Williams Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures and of African and African American Studiesdsommer@fas.harvard.edu

Nicolas Prevelakis

Associate Senior Lecturer on Social StudiesAssistant Director of Curricular Development, Center for Hellenic Studiesprevelak@fas.harvard.edu

Alice Flaherty

Physician Investigator (Cl), Interdisciplinary Brain Center, Mass General Research InstituteAssociate Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical SchoolAssociate Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical Schoolflaherty@helix.mgh.harvard.edu

Adriana Gutiérrez

Senior Preceptor in Romance Languages and Literatures (Spanish)agutierr@fas.harvard.edu

Fawwaz Habbal

Senior Lecturer in Applied Physics at Harvard Universityhabbalf@seas.harvard.edu

Tarun Khanna

Jorge Paulo Lemann Professor, Harvard Business School Director, Lakshmi Mittal and Family South Asia Institute, Harvardtkhanna@hbs.edu

Research Affiliates