Recent publications: HOS vol. 62. Early Tamil Epigraphy: From the earliest times to the sixth century A.D., ed., tr., comm., by I. Mahadevan, 2003; vol. 63. Rgveda transl. by K.F. Geldner, reprint in one vol., 2003; vol. 65 Katha Âranyaka, ed. & tr. by M. Witzel 2004; Vol. 67. Sugatasaurabha transl. from Newari by T. Lewis and M. Tuladhar 2007; Excavations at Dumakhal (Nepal) by Th. Riccardi and M. Khanal (HOS-OM 5, 2007); A New Vedic Concordance, by M. Franceschini; Nepalese Shaman Texts, II, by Gregory Maskarinec 2008; Bhaviveka and his Buddhist Opponents, by D. Eckel; The Teleology of Poetics in Medieval Kashmir, by L. McCrea; Rai Mythology by K. Ebert and M. Gaenzle; An early Tibetan Survey of Buddhist Literature, by K. Schaeffer and L. van der Kuijp. 2009. Forthcoming: Srngaraprakasa II, etc.