Exemplary Projects

Day 1, 16: 00 – 17: 30, Exemplary Projects

ChinaJapanKoreaBuddhismCollection Discovery
China Science Center Hall C (350)CGIS South Tsai Auditorium S010CGIS South Kang S050CGIS South Lam S030CGIS South Lee S030
Moderator: Chen HsiyuanModerator: Paula CurtisModerator: Kim HyeonModerator: James RobsonModerator: Sharon Yang
Christian Henriot: Taming the Digital Dragon. Datafication, Textbases, and Historical Research on Modern ChinaBettina Gramlich-Oka: Japan Biographical DatabaseWayne de Fremery: Project Mo文oNKiyonori Nagasaki: The SAT Daizōkyō Text DatabaseYan He, Xinzi Dinghe: Index Database for Digital Collections on Chinese Studies,Index Database for Digital Collections on Chinese Studies, co-authors Marc Matten and Dinghe Xinzi
Hsiang-An Wang, Sophy Shu-Jiun: The Secret Societies in Qing China: Archival Studies and Digital HumanitiesYuta Hashimoto: Minna de honkokuHyeok Hweon Kang: Korean Chronicles under a MacroscopeEdward Slingerland: The Database of Religious History (DRH)Ann Marie Davis, Katherine Matsuura: Notable Japanese Collections in North America
Hilde De Weerdt: Text annotation and text comparison with MARKUS, COMPARATIVUS & PARALLELLSHelen Hardacre, Katherine Matsuura: Constitutional Revision Research ProjectMaya Stiller: Autographic Atlas of KoreaBhikshu Huimin: Yogācārabhūmi Database: A Challenge for the Search Function of a Multilingual (Chinese, Sanskrit, Tibetan) DatabaseMatthias Kaun: The idea and future scope of the CrossAsia Integrated Text Repository
Keiji Yano: Integrating cultural resources on Virtual Kyoto: maps, photos and films from the pastWenyi Shang: A Research Framework of Book Size Modeling Based on Digital Library Metadata

Day 2, 15: 30-18: 00, Exemplary Projects

CGIS South Tsai S010CGIS South Belfer S020CGIS South Lee S030CGIS South Kang S050
Moderator: Hsiang JiehModerator: Nagasaki KiyonoriModerator: Si Nae ParkModerator: Shimoda Masahiro
Hongsu Wang: China Biographical DatabaseRaja Adal: Three Approaches to Text Mining the Mitsui Mi’ike Mine ArchiveHyunjoo Yang: Using historical maps to predict economic activityAlex Amies: Machine Learning to aid the Study of the Chinese Buddhist Canon
Donald Sturgeon: CTEXTTahee Onuma: NDL Ngram Viewer and Next Digital LibraryHyoungbae Lee, Dae Chul So: Developing Online Romanization Tool for KoreanMaya Stiller: Spatial distribution and network analysis of Buddhist dharma lineages in Chosŏn Korea
Yongming Xu: From AMAP to CSAB: Zhejiang University’s DH practicePaula Curtis: Japan Past & Present-information hub and repositoryQueenie Luo: Kraft (Korean Romanization From Transformer)Darui Long: Concordant Catalogue of Yongle Northern Canon to Other Editions of Chinese Buddhist Canon
Grace Fong: An Introduction to the Ming Qing Women’s Writings Digital Archive and Database ProjectKaoru Ueda: The Hoji Shinbun Digital Collection of the Japanese Diaspora InitiativeJamie Jungmin Yoo: Graphing the King’s Voice: Reconstruction of Kyujangjŏnun through Network VisualizationWan-Chun Chiu: Religious Itineracy: Travel Narratives in the Biographies of Eminent Monks
Shih-pei Chen: LoGaRTCarrie Cushman: Behind the Camera: Teaching Modules and Interactive Timeline on Gender and the History of Japanese PhotographyJavier Cha: Medieval YangbanJen Jou Hung: Database of Biographical Data in Chinese Temple Gazetteers
Steven Geofrey: Behind the Camera: Teaching Modules and Interactive Timeline on Gender and the History of Japanese Photography