Teaching the Creative Scientific Process
Private Program at the Harvard Radcliffe Institute
Thursday, May 2 – Friday, May 3, 2024
Welcome to the companion website for the upcoming Teaching the Creative Scientific Process Exploratory Seminar. We are very excited for this event, taking place on May 2-3, 2024 and we look forward to seeing everyone soon. Please feel free to explore this website. We will strive to make sure that the most up-to-date information is installed. Thank you.
Executive Summary
Scientific progress rests on a two-stage process: the discovery of a question or hypothesis, and its testing with data. While teaching the second stage belongs to the core of science undergraduate and graduate education, teaching about the elements and tools for the first stage is strangely absent from university curricula. We have explored the creative side of the scientific process in editorials, workshops, and a popular podcast. We are convinced that it is now time to establish its teaching across postgraduate study programs in science and mathematics. Through this seminar, we aim to (i) widen and deepen the understanding of creative scientific process; (ii) develop a draft syllabus for its teaching at the postgraduate level; and (iii) develop a draft strategy to foster the adoption of this syllabus into science and mathematics curricula.
Workshop Organizers
Itai Yanai, Professor, New York University
Martin Lercher, Professor, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf