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Teaching at Harvard
- STAT 171, Stochastic Processes, Spring 2021, Spring 2022, Spring 2023, Spring 2024.
- STAT 212, Probability II, Spring 2021.
- STAT 212, Probability II, Spring 2020.
- STAT 217, Topics in high-dimensional statistics: methods from statistical physics, Spring 2023, Spring 2024.
- STAT 216, Topics in high-dimensional probability theory, Fall 2024.
Teaching at MIT
- MATH 18.03, Differential Equations, Fall 2018.
- MATH 18.424, Seminar in Information Theory, Spring 2019.
Courses Taught at Stanford
- STATS 302, Qualifying Exams Workshop (Probability), Summer 2016.
Teaching Assistantship at Stanford
- STATS 217, Introduction to Stochastic Processes I, Winter 2014.
- STATS 219, Stochastic Processes, Fall 2014.
- STATS 310A, Theory of Probability, Fall 2015.
- STATS 219, Stochastic Processes, Fall 2016.
- STATS 369, Methods from Statistical Physics, Winter 2017.