Here is a link to my CV. See also Google Scholar. I gratefully thank NSF (DMS CAREER 2239234), ONR (N00014-23-1-2489) and AFOSR (FA9950-23-1-0429) for supporting my research.
- A Friendly Tutorial on Mean-Field Spin Glass Techniques for Non-Physicists. [ArXiv] [Journal] with Andrea Montanari, 2022.
This tutorial is based on lecture notes written for a class taught in the Statistics Department at Stanford in the Winter Quarter of 2017. The objective was to provide a working knowledge of some of the techniques developed over the last 40 years by theoretical physicists and mathematicians to study mean field spin glasses and their applications to high-dimenensional statistics and statistical learning.
Publications and Preprints
High-dimensional and Non-parametric Statistics
- Causal effect estimation under network interference with mean-field methods. [ArXiv] (with Sohom Bhattacharya)- Submitted.
- On Naive Mean-Field Approximation for high-dimensional canonical GLMs. [ArXiv] (with Sumit Mukherjee and Jiaze Qiu)- Submitted.
- Understanding Optimal Feature Transfer via a Fine-Grained Bias-Variance Analysis. [ArXiv] (with Yufan Li and Ben Adlam)- Submitted.
- A Mean Field Approach to Empirical Bayes Estimation in High-dimensional Linear Regression. [ArXiv] (with Sumit Mukherjee and Bodhisattva Sen)- Submitted.
- Bayes optimal learning in high-dimensional linear regression with network side information. [ArXiv] (with Sagnik Nandy)
– IEEE Transactions in Information Theory (to appear), 2024+. - Random linear estimation with rotationally-invariant designs: Asymptotics at high temperature. [ArXiv] (with Yufan Li, Zhou Fan and Yihong Wu)- IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (to appear), 2023+.
- Sparse Signal Detection in Heteroscedastic Gaussian Sequence Models: Sharp Minimax Rates. [ArXiv] (with Julien Chhor and Rajarshi Mukherjee)
Bernoulli (to appear), 2023+. - Spectral Universality of Regularized Linear Regression with Nearly Deterministic Sensing Matrices. [ArXiv] (with Rishabh Dudeja and Yue M. Lu)- IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (to appear), 2024+.
- A New Central Limit Theorem for the Augmented IPW Estimator: Variance Inflation, Cross-Fit Covariance and Beyond. [ArXiv] (with Kuanhao Jiang, Rajarshi Mukherjee and Pragya Sur)- Submitted.
- High-dimensional Asymptotics of Langevin Dynamics in Spiked Matrix Models. [ArXiv] (with Tengyuan Liang and Pragya Sur)
Information and Inference (to appear), 2023+. - The TAP free energy for high-dimensional linear regression. [ArXiv] (with Jiaze Qiu)
The Annals of Applied Probability (to appear), 2022+. - Regret Minimization in Isotonic, Heavy-Tailed Contextual Bandits via Adaptive Confidence Bands. (with Sabyasachi Chatterjee)– Submitted.
- Variational Inference in high-dimensional linear regression. [ArXiv] (with Sumit Mukherjee)
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2022. - On Minimax Exponents of Sparse Testing. [ArXiv] (with Rajarshi Mukherjee)– Submitted.
- The Overlap Gap Property in Planted Submatrix Recovery. [ArXiv] (with David Gamarnik, Aukosh Jagannath)
Probability Theory and Related Fields, 181.4(2021):757-814. - Optimal Adaptive Inference in Random Design Binary Regression. [ArXiv][Journal] (with Rajarshi Mukherjee)
Bernoulli, 24.1(2018): 699-739.
Statistical Inference on Networks
- Fundamental limits of community detection from multi-view data: multi-layer, dynamic and partially labeled block models. [ArXiv] (with Xiaodong Yang and Buyu Lin) – Submitted.
- Contextual Stochastic Block Model: Sharp Thresholds and Contiguity. [ArXiv] (with Chen Lu)
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2023. - Contextual Stochastic Block Models. [ArXiv] (with Yash Deshpande, Andrea Montanari, Elchanan Mossel)
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) (2018) (spotlight). - Testing Degree Corrections in Stochastic Block Models.[ArXiv][Journal] (with Rajarshi Mukherjee)
Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincare B, 57.3(2021): 1583-1635. - Detection Thresholds for the β-Model on Sparse Graphs.[ArXiv] [Journal] (with Rajarshi Mukherjee and Sumit Mukherjee)
The Annals of Statistics, 46.3(2018):1288-1317. - Semidefinite Programs on Sparse Random Graphs and applications to Community Detection.[ArXiv][conference](with Andrea Montanari).
Conference version in Proceedings of 48th STOC(2016).
Random graphs: typical and atypical properties
- A large deviation principle for block models. [ArXiv] (with Christian Borgs, Jennifer Chayes, Julia Gaudio and Samantha Petti)
Combinatorics, Probability, Computing (minor revision), 2021+. - Large deviation for uniform graphs with given degrees. [ArXiv] (with Souvik Dhara)
The Annals of Applied Probability, 32.3(2022):2327-2353. - A correction to Kallenberg’s theorem for jointly exchangeable random measures.[ArXiv] (with Christian Borgs, Jennifer Chayes and Souvik Dhara).
- Limits of Sparse Configuration Models and Beyond: Graphexes and Multi-Graphexes.[ArXiv] (with Christian Borgs, Jennifer Chayes and Souvik Dhara)
The Annals of Probability, 49.6 (2021):2830-2873.
Random Combinatorial Optimization, Spin glasses and Universality
- Universality of Approximate Message Passing with Semi-Random Matrices. [ArXiv] (with Rishabh Dudeja and Yue M. Lu)
Annals of Probability (to appear), 2023+. - TAP equations for orthogonally invariant spin glasses at high temperature. [ArXiv] (with Zhou Fan and Yufan Li)- Submitted.
- The threshold for SDP-refutation of random regular NAE-3SAT. [ArXiv](with Yash Deshpande, Andrea Montanari, Ryan O’ Donnell, Tselil Schramm)
Proceedings of the ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 2019. - On the unbalanced cut problem and the generalized Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. [ArXiv][Journal](with Aukosh Jagannath)
Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincare D (to appear),2020+. - A connection between the Max κ-cut and the Potts spin glass in the large degree limit.[ArXiv] [Journal] (with Aukosh Jagannath and Justin Ko)
Annals of Applied Probability, 28.3(2018):1536-1572. - Phase transitions of extremal cuts for the configuration model. [ArXiv] [Journal] (with Souvik Dhara and Debankur Mukherjee)
Electronic Journal of Probability, 22 (2017), 86. - Optimization on Sparse Random Hypergraphs and Spin Glasses. [ArXiv] [Journal]
Random Structures and Algorithms, 53.3 (2018): 504-536. - High Temperature Asymptotics of Orthogonal Mean Field Spin glasses. [ArXiv] [Journal] (with Bhaswar Bhattacharya).
Journal of Statistical Physics, 162.1 (2016): 63-80. - Extremal Cuts of Sparse Random Graphs.[ArXiv][Journal](with Amir Dembo and Andrea Montanari)
The Annals of Probability, 45.2(2017): 1190-1217.
- Long ties accelerate noisy-threshold based contagions.[ArXiv] (with Dean Eckles, Elchanan Mossel and M. Amin Rahimian)
Nature Human Behavior (to appear), 2023+. - Preferential Attachment when Stable. [ArXiv][Journal] (with Svante Janson and Joel Spencer)
Advances in Applied Probability, 51.4(2019):1067-1108. - Some Observations on HC-128. [Journal] (with Subhamoy Maitra, Goutam Paul, Shashwat Raizada and Rudradev Sengupta)
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 59 (1-3), 2011: 231-245.