CLRWTR Adjustable Music Production Desk
Woodworking Joinery
During the COVID years, I taught my son japanese joinery techniques while guiding him on how to build this desk for his eventual use as the music producer and conscious lyricist that he is. Visit my facebook link to view the progression in photos!
CLRWTR the Lyricist
Music Production & Lyricism
My son is a messenger in this life, to say the least. He has demonstrated and proven himself to be a formidable human and he aims to improve and raise collective awareness while contributing to the good will of all through his self-expression.
Artist Statement
Hello, my name is Glenn and I am a woodworking hobbyist based in Brighton, MA. In my free time, I like to design new ideas that strike me as fun or utilitarian which I can build out of wood using precise joinery techniques and no metal fastening.
Other Contact Information