by Melanie Basnak
figures by Aparna Nathan
Emily gave birth to a healthy baby boy. But, soon after the delivery, she started to feel sad and constantly overwhelmed. She could easily get irritated and was often angry. She worried that something would…
by Apurva Govande
figures by Rebecca Clements
The single greatest challenge of fighting cancer is that cancerous cells come from our body’s own cells. Because cancer cells are similar to healthy cells, successfully and specifically targeting cancerous…
by Michael Vinyard
figures by Nicholas Lue
Most therapeutic drug candidates that are put through clinical trials fail. Given that most of these fail during early development, the cost of bringing a single drug to market is now over $2.5 billion. If we…
An investigation of individuals with chronic low back pain revealed that a disruption of normal brain activity patterns is related to worse perceived pain. Use of targeted electrical stimulation showed an increase in normal brain activity and reduced…
by Garrett Dunlap
figures by Rebecca Clements
It’s no secret – pharmaceuticals are expensive for the patients who need them. One major reason for this is the cost and time needed to bring a drug to market. In our current medication pipeline, many drugs…