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Finding Life in Space: Why are we so special?

by Wei Lifigures by Catherine Ding The universe is massive, with an estimated 70 quintillion planets—that is 70 followed by an additional 18 zeros. In the Milky Way alone, where we reside, there are billions of planets. With these huge numbers, Earth…

Going Rogue in Space

A team of international astronomers have identified the smallest free-floating "rogue" planet observed to date.

Bacteria May Have Figured Out Space Travel

Astrobiologists have discovered a way for exposed bacteria to survive voyages through space, giving them the potential to spread life throughout the universe.

Artificial Sunscreen Protects Cells from X-ray Radiation

Researchers create a melanin particle containing selenium, providing even more protection from harsh UV rays. These nanoparticles can be incorporated into clothing - providing astronauts a very lightweight alternative to lead shielding.

Should We Help NASA “Shoot for the Moon” Again?

by Christopher Rota figures by Hannah Zucker When the first Apollo program astronauts set foot on the Moon in 1969, their footsteps inspired a generation.  This opened a new realm of possibility for what humans can achieve with the necessary motivation…