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prosthetic limbs

A Step Forward for Bionic Legs

Neuroengineers from Europe have shown preliminary evidence that restoring limited sensory feedback from upper-leg amputees improves mobility, reduces risk of falls, and improves integration of prosthetic devices compared to standard prostheses.

Jellyfish-inspired electronic skin can heal itself under water

Skin is the largest organ in human body, and can sense important information such as pressure, temperature and pain. This waterproof barrier protects us from infections and can heal itself. Electronic skins are soft and flexible electronics that mimic…

One Step Closer to Cyborgs: The development of artificial nerves

by Anqi Zhang figures by Daniel Utter Have you ever met anyone with only one leg or arm? I bet you have. An estimated 185,000 people undergo amputation procedures in the US every year, with the leading cause being vascular diseases. Thanks to the…