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High fat diets can affect how often you snack

Scientists find that diets high in fats and sugars can disrupt the body’s biological clock, leading to any-time snacking. This overconsumption was found to be dependent on the function of dopamine-regulating neurons in the “biological-clock” region of…

A Step Forward for Bionic Legs

Neuroengineers from Europe have shown preliminary evidence that restoring limited sensory feedback from upper-leg amputees improves mobility, reduces risk of falls, and improves integration of prosthetic devices compared to standard prostheses.

Sweet Serotonin

The Dorsal Raphe Nucleus, or DRN, is an area of the brain located along the midline of the brainstem, which is found towards the back of your brain. The DRN contains the largest number of serotonin-containing neurons, called serotonergic neurons, in the…

Fighting the Opioid Addiction Crisis: Can scientists cure it?

by Mary May figures by Neal Akatsuka An estimated 59,000 to 65,000 Americans died due to drug overdoses last year, which is more than the number of deaths from HIV/AIDS at the peak of the epidemic in 1995 and more than the total number of American deaths…