A new look at the louse family tree has revealed that many lice hosted by mammals, including the human head louse, have coevolved with mammals over tens of millions of years.
by Jeongpyo Hongfigures by Xiaomeng Hanedited by Sarah Kalinowski
A little boy is in the hospital to fix his leg. His surgeon uses spinal rods developed for adults to fix the little boy’s leg as it is the only thing that really fits. Since the rod was…
by Ariel Hairstonfigures by MacKenzie Mauger
Our lives are stuffed with opportunities for excitement and stimulation. You might wake up in the morning and find yourself staring at your modest collection of succulents, or that small oil painting you…
by Wei Li
News about exciting and novel science is being published every day, whether it’s about a new technique for rejuvenating skin cells, or a new breakthrough in fighting drug resistance for cancer patients. However, when you read these news…
by Sanjana Kulkarnifigures by Corena Loeb
The bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) has been infecting humans for thousands of years. Today, TB, which is thought to have originated in Africa and evolved alongside human hosts, is found across the…
by Molly Sargen
Antibiotics are drugs that kill or inhibit the growth of microbes, including bacteria and fungi. These drugs work by blocking essential processes like protein production, DNA replication, and cell division. After Alexander Fleming’s…
by Ryan Camirefigures by Shreya Mantri
Many of us exercise and push ourselves to new limits without a specific goal; we lace up our sneakers and don our neon running shorts for the purest of intentions – to ‘stay healthy’. But what exactly does this…
by Sophia Swartzfigures by Jasmin Joseph-Chazan
If you put all of the living things on Earth in a box–from humans to anteaters to teeny-tiny tardigrades–and then plucked one of these organisms out at random, it is very, very likely that you just found…
by Beatrice Awasthifigures by Allie Elchert
Millions of Americans struggle with chronic pain. While the pain sometimes has a clear source—for instance, an arthritic joint or a damaged tendon—oftentimes, people feel pain without any obvious signs of…