by Wei Lifigures by Catherine Ding
The universe is massive, with an estimated 70 quintillion planets—that is 70 followed by an additional 18 zeros. In the Milky Way alone, where we reside, there are billions of planets. With these huge numbers, Earth…
Scientists have recently shaken up our perception of Mars. A NASA team has directly shown that Mars is seismically active – much more than scientists expected, too.
by Andrew Greenspon
figures by Hannah Zucker
Picture yourself as the Curiosity Rover, which landed on Mars in 2012. You’ve just arrived on Mars after an eight-month journey from Earth. You begin traveling across the Gale crater toward Mount Sharp,…
50 years after the Apollo 11 landing, the US is planning on returning to the moon. While such a mission could answer new scientific questions about the history of our corner of the universe and help test new technology, lack of federal support and…
by Aparna Nathan
Graphics by Nicholas Lue
Space: It has been the final frontier ever since Captain Kirk and Starfleet shot into space at warp speed in the 1960s.
But are humans really made for space? We did not evolve for the environment of space and…
A recent NASA mission has discovered that the atmosphere on Mars has many similarities to that of Earth. Metal atoms, contained in dust particles, float down from the solar system and become trapped in the atmosphere of a planet. Energetic particles, for…