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A Promising Link Between the Immune System and Seasons

Seasonal changes in our immune systems may have implications for human health [Image: The six ecological seasons under CC-BY 3.0 licence]. The variations in daylight duration and temperature that accompany the changing seasons are known to impact normal…

What large ants tell us about variation in complex human traits

Ant feeding on honey [Image: Fir0002/Flagstaffotos under CC-BY license] Traits that exist along a continuum, such as height, size, and behavior, vary significantly from person to person. The genetic and environmental interactions that cause these…

Are genetically-modified organisms now safer?

Scanning electron micrograph of Escherichia coli, grown in culture and adhered to a cover slip. Credit: Rocky Mountain Laboratories, NIAID, NIHGenetically modified organisms (GMOs) have amazing potential for improving lives, from providing nutrients to…

Why do male smokers have higher cancer rates than female smokers?

When it comes to smoking and cancer, men are mysteriously worse off: over 30% of cancer deaths in males are connected to smoking, compared to ~20% in women. It’s not all due to lung cancer either – male smokers also have a higher incidence of…

More Than a Messenger: The secret life of RNA

Presented by Radhika Mathur, Ilana Kelsey, and Matt Schwartz DNA contains the information your cells need to perform their functions but if every cell in your body contains identical DNA, how can one cell become a blood cell, another a muscle cell, and…

Genes or Junk: Measuring the Functional Genome

In 2001, scientists published a (mostly) complete sequence of the human genome, the DNA that’s spread over our 23 chromosomes and contains the information that dictates the function of our cells and the development of our bodies [1].  Over a decade…

CRISPR: A game-changing genetic engineering technique

Have you heard? A revolution has seized the scientific community. Within only a few years, research labs worldwide have adopted a new technology that facilitates making specific changes in the DNA of humans, other animals, and plants. Compared to…

Removing Threat from Invasive Species with Genetic Engineering?

Cane Toad on Grass. Image from SamFraser-Smith, National Wildlife Federation, www.nwf.orgA recent publication from Harvard scientists outlines the potential of a cutting-edge technology, CRISPR, to improve on an old technology called Gene Drives in order…