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It’s a boy! Baby is born with DNA from three “parents”

  Human egg cell about to undergo in vitro fertilization, which can be used to assist with conception or screen for genetic diseases [Image: ‘Oocyte with Zona pellucida’ from ZEISS Microscopy]A now five-month-old boy was the first child to be born…

Can we send a message to the future with DNA?

DNA microarray. DNA – Deoxyribonucleic acid. From PD-USGOV-NASA on Wikimedia Commons Ever wonder how we can relay messages to future populations? So do scientists. Recent news suggests DNA embedded in glass might be the answer to efficiently…

New route to the origin of life? Probably not.

From Scientists recreate what may be life’s first spark Credit: Wikimedia Commons, How did life originate? This puzzle has been studied by scientists for hundreds of…