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carbon emissions

Oktoberfest: Lots and lots of Beer ... and Methane

Oktoberfest produces 2 million gallons of beer - and ten times more methane an equivalent area of Boston over 16 days! Scientists are recommending that festivals be added to methane inventories and start using more environmentally-friendly cooking…

Global Lockdown for All - Except Carbon Emissions

The global pandemic lockdown has contributed to declines in carbon emission and is shifting the way scientists and economists discuss climate change mitigation tactics, but it’s still not enough to prevent projected temperature increases past 1.5°C.

How Electric Cars Can Become Truly ‘Green’, Once and For All

by Ankur Podder and Rhea Grover figures by Jovana Andrejevic Electric Vehicles (EVs) were once regarded as hopeless, tasteless, and incapable of replacing the fossil fuel-powered vehicles. In 2006, the award-winning documentary “Who Killed the Electric…

Reconsidering the Risks of Nuclear Power

by Jordan Wilkerson figures by Shannon McArdel The United States emits an immense amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, it is extremely likely that the rising global temperature trends…

Engineering the Earth to Fight Climate Change

by Katie Dagon Imagine if we had an “undo” button for climate change – we could remove all the greenhouse gases from the air or cool the planet’s temperature in an instant. While this might sound like science fiction, the basic idea is not as far off as…