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Small Brains, Big Ideas: The value of model organisms to science

Presented by Yuly Fuentes-Medel Model organism systems amenable to genetic manipulation have made seminal contributions to many aspects of modern science. These organisms with small brains have inspired the discoveries of big ideas in such complex…

Blocking the Brakes: Helping Your Immune System Battle Cancer

There’s been a lot of buzz recently about cancer immunotherapy, including its selection as Science Magazine’s 2013 Breakthrough of the Year. Immunotherapy has introduced a new class of drugs that harness your immune system’s ability to fight off cancer…

Racing CARs against Cancer

You may have recently heard about cases of acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL) being cured in a few adults and children using a new type of cell therapy [1]. In these studies, scientists took a patient’s own immune cells, altered their genetic material so that…

DNA Damage and Skin Cancer: It’s Not All About the Sun

-- A search for “DNA repair” in Amazon’s “beauty” category results in 71 hits that range in price from $15-$700, all claiming to prevent DNA damage or even to repair your DNA. Both scientists and the beauty industry know that as we grow older, our cells…

Broken genes: the role of DNA repair in preventing cancer

Presented by Jacob Sargent, Ben Morris, and Thomas Graham DNA serves as the blueprint for all living organisms on earth, but unlike most blueprints, DNA is constantly being damaged and repaired. Factors such as UV light from the sun and chemicals in…

An Anti-Cancer Drug with Male Contraceptive Properties

-- A 2011 study in the United States reported that 49% of pregnancies were unintended in 2006 []. Across the globe, this type of trend has contributed directly to maternal mortality, as well as the ethical, social, and financial costs associated with…

Cancer: The Disease That’s Just as Smart as We Are

-- On any given weekend from March until October, it’s a fair bet that somewhere in your state there’s an event raising money for cancer treatment, prevention and/or research.  It probably seems, at times, like someone should have found a cure by now –…

Pancreatic Cancer: How to Catch a Silent Killer

-- When Steve Jobs died on October 5th of this year, global attention turned to his cause of death – pancreatic cancer. Many people had questions: Would his fate have been different if he hadn’t elected for alternative treatments in the early days of his…

Cancer Immunology: Not So Secret Anymore

-- Scientists and prostate cancer patients alike cheered when the FDA approved Provenge, the first therapeutic vaccine for prostate cancer, in April 2010. A few months later, a second group of researchers published a clinical study that suggested the…