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Malaria: An Old but Pressing Problem

It takes a life every 30 seconds and sickens almost 250 million people a year… but this is no AIDS epidemic; no newly emerged disease that medical science is scrambling to control.  Malaria has been a scourge of mankind throughout recorded history,…

NTDs: Diseases of the bottom billion

What do the world’s “bottom billion” — the approximate number of the world’s citizens earning less than $1.25 USD per day — have in common? Aside from poor living conditions, malnutrition, and political voicelessness, they are also all more likely to…

Tuberculosis: The Enduring Global Reaper

In many ways, tuberculosis (TB) is an unusual disease, but it is certainly not uncommon. It is an infectious disease caused by transmittable bacteria. However, about nine out of ten people who are infected after exposure to Mycobacterium tuberculosis,…

Dengue Fever: Brewing Trouble in the Tropics

What is Dengue fever? Dengue fever (pronounced DENG-gay), an illness caused by the Dengue virus, is a global public health concern that affects 50-100 million people annually [1]. Over the last 50 years, global Dengue infections have increased 30-fold.…

Can you maintain mental stability and health as you age?

--Eventually, everyone experiences “senior moments.” You may forget where you left your keys, or walk into a room only to realize that you can’t recall why you entered in the first place. As we get older, the physical signs of slowing down also become…

Materials Science in the Kitchen: Basic Bread Revisited

--In many cultures, including our own, bread constitutes a significant portion of the daily diet. However, how often do we stop to think about the unique material properties of the food that we eat and how those properties influence how bread (or any…

Why do we get allergies?

--Almost all of us have, or know someone who has an allergy. An allergy is an overreaction of your immune system to something that is foreign to your body, but may not be dangerous to other healthy individuals. People can be allergic to pollen, mold,…

My, What Big Teeth You Have!

--Humans are an extremely visual species, with much of our brains devoted to visual processing. Sight is one of the most important ways we experience our external environment; consequently, it may not be surprising that certain images can invoke a…