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Air Pollution Knows No Boundaries

presented by Yanina Barrera How do atmospheric scientists understand air pollution in a city, when the air is constantly moving from state to state, and country to country? Answering this question is crucial for developing public health and environmental…

Skin Deep: Illuminating our body's immune defenses

Presented by Vinidhra Mani The skin is our first barrier to entry of pathogens. The tightly regulated immune system in our skin provides us with a robust arsenal to combat potential invaders, yet also has checkpoints to ensure that the battlefields…

From stargazing to space travel: Our brief history into space

Presented by Elaine Garcia and Angela She In July 2015, NASA’s space probe New Horizons sent back the first high-resolution photos of Pluto, engendering excitement around the world. These images are evidence of the progress we have made…

Growing Together: How Viruses Have Shaped Human Evolution

Presented by: Shirlee Wohl and Katherine Wu Think of a virus, and you’ll likely think of an infection – Ebola, HIV, mononucleosis. But in actuality, the viruses that infect humans make up an infinitesimally small percentage of the total…

Quantum to Analytical: Seeing and hearing the chemistry of art

Presented by Katherine Phillips and Benjamin Sanchez-Lengeling Science and art are often seen as disparate topics, but they frequently intertwine in surprising and interesting ways. In this talk, we will see how science can help us analyze, understand,…