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Protein Folding: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

-- We often think of proteins as nutrients in the food we eat or the main component of muscles, but proteins are also microscopic molecules inside of cells that perform diverse and vital jobs. With the Human Genome Project complete, scientists are…

3D cinema: there’s a reason for wearing those goofy glasses

- Do you remember wearing the red and cyan 3D eyeglasses when you were a kid? Well, 3D tech certainly has improved by leaps and bounds, and is turning into the latest fad in the entertainment industry. 3D films have matured from campy to epic, with the…

In Self Defense: The Flu-Fighters Within

Have you had the flu this season? If not, chances are you have taken precautions, such as getting a flu shot and vigilantly washing your hands. These strategies can effectively reduce your risk of infection, but they are not the whole story. Your body…

Calming your nerves and your heart through meditation

It's that time of year when schedules somehow seem three times more full with work, school, and social gatherings, but the days seem shorter. On TV and in newspapers, articles appear weekly on ways to reduce holiday stress. Holiday cheer and spending…

The Skinny On Electronic Paper

As the holiday season approaches, you may be starting to consider gifts for family or friends. A good choice this year might be a product that incorporates the clever technology called "electronic paper," known best for its use in Amazon's Kindle, one of…

A 'Nobel' Endeavor: Capping Chromosomes with Telomeres

code at the ends of the chromosomes is maintained as cells divide. Drs. Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Carol W. Greider, and Jack W. Szostak shared this most prestigious prize for work they did in the 70's and 80's on the "caps" at the ends of chromosomes.…

Keeping in shape: the morphology of internal cellular structures

The organelles of a cell are akin to the rooms of a house. Just as a kitchen is for cooking and bedrooms are for sleeping, distinct organelles are host to different cellular events, too. This division of labor enables cells to complete tasks more…

You Are What You Eat...And Also What Your Mother Ate

If you feel like you've been seeing more pregnant women lately, your eyes are not deceiving you. According to the US Census, August is the month with the highest number of births. During pregnancy, the fetus relies on its mother's diet to sustain its…