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Obesity and the Brain: New Findings from Nicotine?

-- Obesity and smoking are the two largest causes of premature death in the United States. Obesity causes over 160,000 preventable deaths per year, while cigarette smoking causes over 440,000. The list of diseases caused by obesity and smoking are…

The Nanotechnology Solution to the Global Water Challenge

-- It has been said that “water is the next oil." Just like oil, water — specifically, clean drinking water — is a resource that is rapidly depleting. Every year, 1.2 billion people do not have access to safe drinking water, and millions of people die,…

Famine follows the plough in Africa?

-- A fifty-year famine provoked by drought threatens millions in the sub-Saharan Sahel region of Africa with crop failure, cattle loss, starvation and death. As policy makers work to provide relief for the drought-ravaged nations, scientists in Europe…

Materials for drug delivery

The problem with pills Did you know that when you take a pill, the active ingredient in that pill diffuses throughout your entire body? When you have a headache you may take an over-the-counter pain medication, but this drug does not just concentrate in…

Where does medicine come from?

Think back to the last time you took medicine — perhaps it was a pain reliever or some cough syrup. What were you thinking about as that medicine was digested? Chances are, you weren’t thinking about the origins of the drug, but scientists and doctors…

Curbing the chemistry of climate change

The 2011 Harvard Radcliffe Institute Science Symposium, “Something in the Air: Climate Change, Science, and Policy” [1] brought together internationally renowned researchers to address the state of our current knowledge of climate science and courses of…

Better living through Chihuly

We are surrounded by so many commonplace glass objects, they are almost transparent to our notice: car windows, casserole dishes, food jars, soda bottles, even buildings! It is a great feat of science and technology that glass has become so affordable to…

Nuclear chemistry: Lessons from the Fukushima Daiichi disaster

On December 20th, 1951, four glowing light bulbs in Arco, Idaho heralded the first use of nuclear power for electricity generation [1]. Today, twenty-nine countries operate nuclear power plants, and these produce about 14% of the world’s electricity [2].…