by Insa Mohrfigures by Hannah Zucker
The past year has been momentous for quantum computing, a technology that applies the almost-mystical phenomena of quantum mechanics to build novel supercomputers, high performance computers used to solve large…
Interviewee: Hernan Garcia, Assistant Professor of Physics and Molecular & Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley
Interviewer: Jonathan Jackson, PhD student in Biophysics, Harvard University
Pint-Sized Science · How do cells decide…
Interviewee: Dr. Verónica Martínez-Cerdeño, Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of California Davis
Interviewer: Valentina Lagomarsino, PhD Candidate in the Biological Sciences, Harvard University
Pint-Sized Science · Episode…
By simulating the Antarctic Ice Sheet's fragile future under rising temperatures, scientists have found concerning tipping points that drastically change how much ice is lost.
A toxic and scorching hot planet, Venus has never been considered a likely candidate for harboring extraterrestrial life, but a molecule detected in its clouds is turning heads.
For dogs, the rhinarium is the furless tip of their snouts. Researchers have found that this cold and wet small surface area may detect heat even from far away.
by Sophia Swartzfigures by Nicholas Lue
Welcome HOM(e)!
Your mouth isn’t too different from a city. Like a city, your mouth contains hundreds of different inhabitants and communities. However, these inhabitants are not humans or animals. Instead,…