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Archive: Sep 2020

Signatures of Life in Venus’s Clouds

A toxic and scorching hot planet, Venus has never been considered a likely candidate for harboring extraterrestrial life, but a molecule detected in its clouds is turning heads.

Dog Noses Can Sense Warmth Far Away

For dogs, the rhinarium is the furless tip of their snouts. Researchers have found that this cold and wet small surface area may detect heat even from far away.

For Microbes, There’s No Place Like HOM(e)

by Sophia Swartzfigures by Nicholas Lue Welcome HOM(e)! Your mouth isn’t too different from a city. Like a city, your mouth contains hundreds of different inhabitants and communities. However, these inhabitants are not humans or animals. Instead,…

Climate Change: The Ocean’s “Mood Killer”

by Jessica Schifffigures by Rebecca Senft Under the waves and in the ocean, climate change is like a persistent third wheel. Akin to that friend who always insists on tagging along on your dates, his/her/their presence makes it difficult for you and…

Slowing ALS with a Two-Drug Therapy

Results from a phase 2 clinical trial reveal that a new two-drug therapy for ALS can slow disease progression by six weeks over a six-month period. This therapy could possibly improve lifespan and quality of life, and may be effective in other…

What Can Evolution Teach us About the Viruses of the Future?

by Sam Berry In 1918, a new influenza (flu) strain infected nearly a third of the world’s population, leaving tens of millions dead. At the time, relatively little was known about this strain, later called the Spanish Flu—why it was so dangerous, how…