November 8 - This Is How We Do It: From Sex Evolution to Sex Education

Time: 7-9 p.m., Wednesday, November 8th

Location: Armenise Amphitheater at Harvard Medical School, 200 Longwood Avenue, Boston (link to directions)

Speakers: Michael Miyagi and Malinda McPherson

At first glance, it seems like we all know what sex is. But there are many scientific subtleties to sex. In this lecture we will begin by providing an evolutionary context for sex, probing why sex drive is so strong and important, and finally we will address how human society views sex and how we educate our students about it.

We will define sex from scientific and evolutionary viewpoints. Then we will provide data that address the questions of why we have sex, how is sex different between diverse organisms, how scientists and educators interact to provide sex education, and what approaches to sex education seem to be the most scientifically effective.