What’s the Catch? Diving into the sustainability of eating fish
Time: 7-9 p.m., Wednesday, September 27th
Location: Armenise Amphitheater at Harvard Medical School, 200 Longwood Avenue, Boston (link to directions)
People: Michael Raspuzzi and Neeti Nayak
A healthy choice for you may not be good for the health of the environment. With the pressures of feeding a growing population within constrained resources, this talk takes a top-down approach to understand how to be “sustainable” at the dinner table. Why are the decisions regarding the serving of fish more perplexing than those for land-based protein? How does a dish like curried salmon affect broader forces like import regulation or market trends? And how does all of this impact the fishermen? With this focus on sea-sourced protein, such as Atlantic Salmon, the methods explored can be used to make other decisions around choosing what foods to consume. The research is supported by the Living Lab Campus Sustainability Innovation Fund in conjunction with Harvard Office of Sustainability and will be used for a foundation for Harvard University Dining Services for future work and research to reach campus wide sustainability goals.