Archive: Sat Aug 2016

Beyond mythology: NIH plans to lift ban on chimera research

Statue of a (mythological) winged chimera, a fearsome hybrid creature comprised of parts of a lion, goat, and snake. [‘Chimera’ from Minchioletta]The National Institutes of Health recently announced that it expects to lift a ban on research…

Dark Matter Evades the World's Most Sensitive Search

At the 11th Identification of Dark Matter Conference, LUX, the Large Underground Xenon experiment, announced the results of the world’s most sensitive search for dark matter. Physicists at LUX have been racing for a dark matter discovery since the…

How one volcano concealed the sea-level acceleration record

Using satellite records and global climate models, scientists have shown that sea level rise is accelerating. Although sea level data from the past 23 years diverged from this long term trend, researchers demonstrate that the abnormal cooling caused by…