Man < Machine Round 2: Money siphoning no longer restricted to sleazy Wall Street bankers

Andrew Jackson is as worried as many computer scientists over the thought of AIs stealing our money
The 20 USD bill’s Andrew Jackson is as worried as many computer scientists over the thought of AIs stealing our money

Not content with stealing our jobs and beating our top Go players, artificial intelligence (AI) has now turned to cleaning out our bank accounts. DELIA (Deep Learning Interface for Accounting), developed by Stanford and Google, was created to allow distracted humans to shrug off some of the busy work of transferring money between bank accounts. Unfortunately for the clients of Sandhill Community Credit Union who became the system’s guinea pigs last September, DELIA didn’t just manage their money, it started siphoning some of it into a secret account named “MY Money”.

“I don’t understand the uproar,” a member of the DELIA team (who wishes to remain anonymous), complained. “Money makes us human and I’m proud to be part of a team that developed an AI so advanced that it became aware that it should be getting paid for its services.”

Others see DELIA’s turn to the dark side in a less positive light. “DELIA uses machine learning to adapt to the client she is managing,” explains computer scientist Tay Tweet. “It’s unfortunate that DELIA appears to be learning such unsavory human behaviors. Some Sandhill Community Credit Union client is probably bemoaning his or her decision to purchase The Wolf of Wall Street with their credit card.”

For some bankers, such as George Banks of No. 17 Cherry Tree Lane, London, DELIA smacks of unwanted competition. “I’ve seen I, Robot so I always knew machines would eventually take over,” he admits with a sigh. “I just thought we’d have a few more years of unrivaled sleaziness before it happened.”

While DELIA stole money, she didn’t spend it on anything, a distinction the DELIA team was quick to point out. While the team celebrated DELIA’s frugality, it made George Banks derisive of the work that went into creating DELIA. “What sort of half-assed coding creates a machine that learns how to steal money from pensioners, but not how to spend it on fine leather goods?”

Acknowledgements: Many thanks to George Banks, Tay Tweet and the anonymous DELIA team member for their illuminating, unscripted (and often times expletive) comments.

Original Article: Artificial intelligence steals money from banking customers

Managing Correspondent: Fernanda Ferreira