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Archive: Feb 2016

Can scientists prove that Zika virus causes microcephaly?

by Nathan Schauer figures by Daniel Utter Zika virus (ZIKV) has recently transformed from a relatively unknown tropical disease to a worldwide public health emergency. This crisis is due to emerging evidence that ZIKV causes microcephaly and…

LIGO and Gravitational Waves: Discovery of the Century

LIGO has discovered ripples in spacetime, generated by the inspiral and merger of two massive black holes – Credit Caltech The Twitter rumors are true! In what some scientists are calling the discovery of the century, LIGO (Laser Interferometer…

Melioidosis: Über-neglected and potentially über-dangerous

Colonies of Burkholderia pseudomallei on Ashdown agar after 96 hours incubation at 37ºC [By Gak (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons]Melioidosis is so unknown and underfunded that to call it a “neglected tropical disease” would be an…

Why is Antarctica's Ice Sheet Growing in a Warming World?

by Jordan Wilkerson figures by Michael Gerhardt When someone asks you to consider the impacts of climate change, what do you think of? There’s a good chance that melting ice sheets comes to mind pretty quickly. For that reason, a recent finding…


    Bovine Pulmonary Artery Epithelial (BPAE) cells have been featured several times in the gallery and on our Instagram; incase you missed them, check out Kaleidoskeleton, Plumotion, and Cytoskeleton Four Ways. In this stunning collage, BPAE…

The Hottest Year on Record

The warm winter has been hard to miss. January temperatures were higher than average, and a little over a month ago most the Northeast was turning off the heat, opening windows, and wearing shorts in December. The strange weather hasn’t been confined to…