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Archive: Dec 2015

Sit'N Listen Episode 3: Allergies

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New Directions for Cancer Therapy: Targeted Medicine

by Zachary Hauseman figures by Michael Gerhardt The cure for cancer: something we all hear about but never seems to arrive. It’s easy to get frustrated about decades and decades of research while thousands of people still succumb to the disease daily…

The Physics of Football

Every year, the NFL makes rule changes that affect team strategy and game outcomes. Some of these rules are designed to maintain the safety of players, while others are designed to increase the competitiveness of the game. However, there is one aspect of…

The Road to Guinea Worm Eradication: Running the Final Mile

by Rebecca Mandt We usually think of extinction of a species as a bad thing. But what if that species is directly causing human suffering or death on a global scale? The ultimate goal of disease eradication efforts is to target an infectious disease by…

Down, but not out: Developments in depression research

by Emily Ricq Depression affects 15 million Americans and is characterized by debilitating feelings of sadness or emptiness that interfere with the ability to lead and enjoy life [1]. The substantial personal and public health burden imposed by…

Gut Feeling

      This image shows an unwound small intestine from a mouse embryo 15 days after conception. Blood vessels (blue) are responsible for carrying oxygen to the muscles of the gut and transporting dissolved nutrients from the intestine to…