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Archive: Mar 2015


The black fibers seen in this image are tubulin, a protein that makes up a large part of the cytoskeleton of all cells. The cytoskeleton provides structural support for the cell, and tubulin also performs specific functions such as the mitotic spindle.…

A step towards the primordial soup

Fossilized remains of cyanobacteria thought to be among the first organisms on earth (Wikimedia Commons). How did life originate? This puzzle has been studied by scientists for hundreds of years. Authors of a new paper in Nature have made significant…

DNA editing in humans: Biologists preach prudence

Rendering of the double helical structure of DNA [Image: Dna rendering/ynse under CC-BY licence]Recent advances in genetics have afforded the ability to precisely manipulate every letter of our genetic code.  Several world-renowned biologists, however,…

Dark Matter Detected, or False Alarm?

Although dark matter makes up 80% of all matter in the universe, physicists are still struggling to understand exactly what it is. This perplexity is largely due to the fact that dark matter is invisible and difficult to study directly, but a dwarf…

What large ants tell us about variation in complex human traits

Ant feeding on honey [Image: Fir0002/Flagstaffotos under CC-BY license] Traits that exist along a continuum, such as height, size, and behavior, vary significantly from person to person. The genetic and environmental interactions that cause these…

Thrills and Spills: The Keystone XL Pipeline

Turning on the tap for a clean glass of water is a luxury many Americans take for granted. Though TransCanada Corporation promises minimal spillage and environmental impact through improved safety features in its plans to install a 1169-mile-long,…

The Air We Breathe: An assessment of urban air pollution

Presented by Jordan Wilkerson Whether we are in China or here in the United States, the air in major cities is infamous for its unpleasant haze and resulting health problems. There are many ways in which an unhealthy mixture of chemicals can make it…