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Archive: Oct 2012

Custom-Made Body Parts: Advances in Tissue Engineering

-- Every organ in our bodies performs a specialized role. So what happens when one of these organs fails or is damaged? Some animals can re-grow or replace lost tissue – newts can regenerate entire lost limbs – but unfortunately human organ regeneration…

Born of My Flesh: Using Skin Cells to Generate Eggs

-- One out of every ten women in the United States between the ages of 15 and 44 faces reproductive challenges, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [1]. These challenges have a number of causes, including ovulation disorders and…

Living Foods: The Microbiology of Food and Drink

Presented by Wesley Loo, Heather Olins, and Dipti Nayak Some scientists estimate that one third of the food we eat on a daily basis has been fermented. This seminar will explain what fermentation is, how it works, and why we should care about the…

The Immunology of Pregnancy

-- Are you the oldest sibling? Take note – there may be a reason why your mother prefers your younger siblings to you... at least in one sense. Chances are, your mother’s later pregnancies were easier than her first one. This is supported by new research…

Biotechnology and the Emergence of New Therapeutics

Presented by Vini Mani, Ekaterina (Kat) Pak, and Dima Ter-Ovanesyan In 2011, the FDA approved 35 new drugs–one of the highest approval volumes in the past decade. Drug development is a long and costly undertaking that involves integrated efforts…

How Evolution Generates “Endless Forms, Most Beautiful”

Presented by Marc Presler, Peter Wang, and Elizabeth Brown Few biological concepts are as perennially captivating and contentious as the theory of evolution. Rather than reciting another litany of evidence in support of the idea, this seminar hopes to…

Silk-Stabilized Vaccines and Antibiotics: Ending the “Cold Chain”

-- Most of us have probably received vaccines and antibiotics at some point in our lives, and while they may have seemed to work like magic at the time, medical professionals’ precise understanding of the drugs’ mechanisms of action enables their use as…

The 99 Percent… of the Human Genome

-- Of the trillions of cells that compose our body, from neurons that relay signals throughout the brain to immune cells that help defend our bodies from constant external assault, almost every one contains the same 3 billion DNA base pairs that make up…