Meet the Mascot

harvard library with trees in the foregound

Introducing Ozzy OSPrey

About Our Mascot

Ozzy came to life when the OSP Training Team decided they needed a clever way to display additional tips throughout the training courses.

Ozzy Osprey

Computer mouse selecting an Ozzy tip from the training modules. An information box appears with text.

Advice From Ozzy

Ozzy is littered throughout the new training sessions, popping in to provide helpful asides and fresh perspectives.

Significance of the Osprey

Ospreys were once widely spread and abundant hawks in North America until around 1950. However, by the mid-1960s, their numbers breeding along the Atlantic coast from New York City to Boston had dropped by a staggering 90%. Over the past three generations, spanning 29 years, the North American Osprey population has soared by an impressive 108%. In a parallel manner, the training program has also experienced a complete revival, mirroring the resurgence of the Ospreys.

Read more about this magnificent recovery in The Conservation.

Osprey perched in a treetop