Publications and Talks


  • Dych, W., Garvin, K., and Franich, K. 2023. Comparing manual vs. semi-automated methods for the coding of co-speech gestures. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS).
  • Franich, K. 2023. Prosodic predictors of temporal structure in conversational turn-taking. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS).
  • Garvin, K. and Franich, K. 2023. Gestural alignment and accommodation in speaker-listener head gestures. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS).
  • Hu, A., Qi, Z., and Franich, K. 2023. Accommodation to vocal pitch in children with autism. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS).
  • Franich, K. 2022. How we speak when we speak to a beat: The influence of temporal coupling on phonetic enhancement. Laboratory Phonology 13(1). doi: [preprint]
  • Franich, K. and Lendja, A.B. 2021. Feeling the Beat in an African Tone Language: Rhythmic Mapping Between Language and Music. Frontiers in Communication: Language Sciences.
  • Franich, K. 2021. Metrical prominence asymmetries in Medʉmba, a Grassfields Bantu language. Language. [preprint]
  • Franich, K., Wong, H.Y., Yu, A.C.L., and To, C.K.S. 2020 Temporal coordination and prosodic structure in autism spectrum disorder: Timing across speech and non-speech motor domains. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. [preprint].
  • Patel, S., Nayar, K., Martin, G.E., Franich, K., Crawford, S., Diehl, J.J. and Losh, M. 2020. An acoustic characterization of prosodic differences in autism spectrum disorder and first-degree relatives. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
  • Franich, K.  2019.  Uncovering tonal and temporal correlates of phrasal prominence in MedʉmbaLanguage and Speech. [preprint].
  • Franich, K. and Sarkar, S. 2019. Effects of rhythmicity on speech perception in speech and musical contextsProceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Kimball, A., Keupdjio, H., Kouankem, C., and Franich, K. 2019. Expanding field studies using online speech perception experiments. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Franich, K. 2018. Tonal and morphophonological effects on the location of perceptual centers (p-centers): Evidence from a Bantu language [preprint]Journal of Phonetics, 67, 21—33.
  • Franich, K. 2016. Internal and contextual cues to tone perception in Medʉmba [preprint].  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Express Letters, 140(1), 107-112.
  • Franich, K. 2016.  Perception of tonal contours in Medʉmba.  Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Language (TAL).  
  • Franich, K. 2015. The effect of cognitive load on tonal coarticulationProceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.
  • Goldman, N., Orman, W., Paquette, E., Franich, K., Hawkes, R., Ngabeu, A. & O’Connor, C. 2015.  Interspeaker variation in noun class realization in Medumba, a Grassfields LanguageSelected Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference on African Linguistics.  Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
  • Franich, K., O’Connor, C. & Barnes, J. 2011. Tonal merger in Medʉmba (Bamileke) nouns. Selected Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference on African Linguistics, ed. Michael R. Marlo et al.  Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp. 32-46.
  • Franich, K. 2021. How we speak when we speak to a beat: The effect of environmental coupling on acoustic characteristics of speech in twoprosodically-distinct languages. Presentation at Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop, RITMO, University of Oslo. [Held online due to COVID-19]
  • Franich, K. 2021. Glottalization, F0, and tonal variation in Medʉmba. Presentation at ACAL 51-52, University of Florida. [Held online due to COVID-19]
  • Hawtof, L., Gam, F., and Franich, K. 2021. Acoustic analysis of implosives in Rɨkpa’. Presentation at ACAL 51-52, University of Florida. [Held online due to COVID-19]
  • Presentations
  • Gam, F. and Franich, K. 2023. The interaction of tone and intonation in Rɨkpa’. Presentation at ACAL 54, University of Connecticut.
  • Hu, A., Qi, Z., Redmond, S. and Franich, K. 2023. Accommodation to Vocal Pitch in Children with Autism. Annual Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
  • Franich, K. 2022. The influence of temporal coupling on phonetic enhancement. Presentation at LabPhon 18. [Presented virtually due to COVID-19]
  • Keupdjio, H. & Franich, K. The variability of A’-agreement in Bamileke Medʉmba: A dialect survey. Presentation at First Conference on Bantoid Languages and Linguistics (Banto1d), Hamburg, Germany. [Presented virtually due to COVID-19]
  • Franich, K. and Keupdjio, H. Tonal and rhythmic factors in the alignment of speech and co-speech gesture in Medmba. Presentation at 11th Annual Conference on Speech Prosody, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Franich, K. and Keupdjio, H. Tonal and rhythmic factors in the alignment of speech and co-speech gesture in Medmba. Presentation at Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting, Washington DC. [Presented virtually due to COVID-19]
  • 2021 Franich, K. How we speak when we speak to a beat: The effect of environmental coupling on acoustic characteristics of speech in two
  • prosodically-distinct languages. Presentation at Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop, RITMO, University of Oslo. [Held online due to COVID-19]
  • Franich, K. Glottalization, F0, and tonal variation in Med|mba. Presentation at ACAL 51-52, University of Florida. [Held online due to COVID-19]
  • Hawtof, L., Gam, F., and Franich, K. Acoustic analysis of implosives in Rɨkpa’. Presentation at ACAL 51-52, University of Florida. [Held online due to COVID-19]
  • Franich, K. 2020. Understanding Patterns of Voicing and Prenasalization in Medʉmba: Evidence from Speech Timing. Poster presentation at LabPhon 17, Vancouver, BC. [Held online due to COVID-19]
  • Sarkar, S. & Franich, K. 2020. Articulatory differences between true and assimilated stop geminates in Bengali. Poster presentation at LabPhon 17, Vancouver, BC. [Held online due to COVID-19]
  • Keupdjio, H. & Franich, K. 2020. The variability of A’-agreement in Bamileke Medʉmba: A dialect survey. Presentation at First Conference on Bantoid Languages and Linguistics (Banto1d), Hamburg, Germany. [Canceled due to COVID-19]
  • Franich, K. 2020. Glottalization, f0, and Tonal Variation in Medʉmba. Presentation at the 51st Annual Conference on African Linguistics, New Brunswick, NJ. [Canceled due to COVID-19]
  • Franich, K. 2019. Initial strengthening in derived and nonderived NC sequences in Medʉmba.  Presentation at the 50th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Vancouver, BC.
  • Franich, K. 2018. Coordinative mode, phasing, and predictability across languages. Presentation at Workshop on the Role of Predictability in Shaping Human Sound Systems, June 23, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Franich, K. 2018. Tone-accent attraction in Medʉmba. Presentation at 49th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Michigan State University.
  • Franich, K. 2016.  Prominence in speech cycling: Evidence from an African tone language.  Presentation at Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP) 16, Bilbao, Spain.
  • Franich, K. 2016.  Cues to tone perception in Medʉmba.  Presentation at 47th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, UC Berkeley.
  • Franich, K. 2015. The prosodic status of lexically contoured words in Medʉmba. Presentation at 46th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Eugene, OR.
  • Yu, A., Chen, D., Franich, K., Halberstam, Y., Phillips, J. and Pillion, B.  2015.  The peril of sounding manly: A look at vocal characteristics of lawyers before the United States Supreme Court.  Presentation at 89th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Portland, OR.
  • Franich, K., Aparicio, H. and Xiang, M. Inflectional φ-feature mismatches under ellipsis: An eye-tracking study.  Presentation at the 15th annual meeting of the Texas Linguistic Society, UT Austin.
  • Yu, A., Chen, D., Franich, K., Halberstam, Y., Phillips, J., Pillion, B., Hao, Y. and Yin, Z.  2014.  The peril of sounding manly: A look at vocal characteristics of lawyers before the United States Supreme Court.  Presentation at LabPhon 14, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Franich, K.  2014.  Contour tones, vowel length, and syllable weight in Medʉmba. Presentation at the 2014 CUNY Phonology Forum, The Graduate Center, CUNY.
  • Franich, K. 2014. The Interaction of vowel length and tone in Medʉmba.  Presentation at the 88th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (poster), Minneapolis, MN.
  • Franich, K. 2013.  Foot structure in Medʉmba.  Presentation at the African Linguistics Workshop, Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute, Ann Arbor, MI. 
  • Franich, K. 2013.  Focus and regressive tone spreading in Medʉmba. Presentation at the 44th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Georgetown University.
  • Orman, W., Franich, K., Hawkes, R., Goldman, N., Ngabeu, A., and O’Connor, C.  2013.  Variation in noun class realization in Medʉmba, a Grassfields language. Presentation at the 44th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Georgetown University.
  • Franich, K., O’Connor, C. & Barnes, J. 2011.  Tonal merger in Medʉmba (Bamileke) nouns.  Presentation at the 42nd Annual Conference on African Linguistics, University of Maryland.
  • Franich, K., O’Connor, C. & Barnes, J. 2011.  Tone change and dialect formation in Medʉmba.  Presentation at Methods in Dialectology XIV, University of Western Ontario.