Harvard PhonLab

We study the sounds of human languages with a focus on how people produce and perceive speech, and how these aspects of our behavior can inform our understanding of the structure of language and its origins.
The 2024-2025 PhonLab!

Lab News
- New Study in the PhonLab!We are excited to announce that the PhonLab is initiating a new child language study! The study aims to understand children’s…
- Undergraduate Grant Awards for Feildwork Trip to CamaroonA big congratulations to two of our wonderful undergraduate lab members, Sam Lyczowski and Lexi Williams, for their awarded January term…
- PhonLab at the Annual Meeting on Phonology 2024Dr. Kathryn Franich (PI) and Melody Wang (PhD. student) both had the opportunity to present their individual work at the Annual…
- PhonLab EMA Data collection for MedumbaThe PhonLab had a successful pilot run for our new study investigating articulatory timing in Medumba. Dr. Kathryn Franich, PI, and…
- Welcome back PhonLab 2024-2025!Welcome back! We are so excited for the start of a new semester in the PhonLab. We had a wonderful first…