Harvard University Science & Engineering Complex (SEC), 150 Western Avenue, Boston, MA 02134
Join the OpenDP team for a full day to get hands-on experience and collaborate with colleagues! You are welcome to join the tutorial and/or hackathon sessions – just ensure you register by Friday, September 22nd. Virtual attendees are welcome to “follow along” or can be part of a hackathon team if there are in-person team members*.
You can also join the slack channel specifically reserved for the day to introduce yourself, chat with other attendees, and create hackathon teams in advance (you can also join a team in person on the day!).
Please find the agenda below (depending on number of attendees and teams, the end time may be adjusted). Location will be at Harvard University (exact location will be shared soon!). All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST) zone.
- 10am-10:45am: OpenDP Fundamentals
- 10:45am-11:30am: Hands On Tutorial [VIDEO]
- 11:30am-11:45am: Orientation
- 11:45am-12:00pm: Form teams and propose projects in two categories:
- Algorithms (solve a general problem, for contribution to OpenDP)
- Applications (solve a specific problem, in a domain of interest to the user)
- 12:00pm-12:30pm: Lunch served
- 12:30pm-4:30pm: HACKING!
- 4:30pm-5:00pm: Lightning round (3-minute demos)
- 5:00pm-5:15pm: Awards ceremony (most original, most useful, jury’s prize)
Thanks to our Platinum sponsors CapitalOne and Oblivious for supporting the OpenDP Tutorial and Hackathon!
*Virtual attendees will not receive physical prize