Community Meeting 2023
OpenDP is pleased to host the 3rd Community Meeting on Friday, September 29th, 2023

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The OpenDP team is excited to announce the date of the upcoming 2023 Community Meeting! Organized the same week as the Theory and Practice of Differential Privacy workshop (TPDP) in Boston, we look forward to hosting the first IN-PERSON OpenDP Community meeting on Friday, September 29th (with opportunities to join virtually).
Thank you to our sponsors Oblivious and Capital One (platinum), Meta (gold), and Knexus Research (silver) for their support of this first in-person Community Meeting!
Friday, September 29th, 2023: 9am – 5pm EST
Location: Harvard University CGIS South, Tsai Auditorium (lower concourse)
8:30am – 9:00am:
9:00am – 9:15am:
9:15am – 9:30am:
9:30am – 10:00am:
10:00am – 10:15am:
10:15am – 10:20am:
10:20am – 10:45am:
10:45am – 11:15am:
Registration Pick Up + Breakfast
Welcome and Intro to Keynote Speaker (Gary King, OpenDP) [VIDEO]
Keynote (Congresswoman Haley Stevens) [VIDEO]
OpenDP Project: General Update (Salil Vadhan and Annie Wu, OpenDP) [VIDEO]
OpenDP Community Strategy (Sharon Ayalde, OpenDP) [VIDEO]
Q&A with Gary King and Salil Vadhan [VIDEO]
Break (sponsored by Knexus Research)
“Championing Differential Privacy within the Swiss Federal Administration” presented by Raphaël de Fondeville and Pauline Maury-Laribiere (Swiss Federal Statistics Office) [VIDEO]
11:15am – 12:00pm:
12:00pm – 12:25pm:
12:25pm – 1:30pm:
1:30pm – 2:25pm:
OpenDP Technical Updates (Andrew Vyrros and Michael Shoemate, OpenDP) [VIDEO]
Community Pitch Anything 1 [VIDEO]
Lunch (sponsored by Meta)
Industry Panel: DP in Motion featuring Tammy Greasby (Anonym), Peter Kairouz (Google), Andrew Knox (Decentriq), Sara Krehbiel (Santa Clara University/Meta), Gerome Miklau (Tumult/University of Massachusetts, Amherst), and Lipika Ramaswamy (Gretel). Moderated by James Honaker (OpenDP + Anonym) [VIDEO]
2:25pm – 2:50pm:
2:50pm – 3:15pm:
3:15pm – 4:15pm:
Community Pitch Anything 2 [VIDEO]
Break (sponsored by Knexus Research)
Parallel Breakout: Privacy Attacks/Auditing led by Jonathan Ullman (Northeastern University) and Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye (Imperial College London) [VIDEO]
3:15pm – 4:15pm:
Parallel Breakout: Responsible use of Differential Privacy led by Alexandra Wood (Harvard University) and Jayshree Sarathy (Columbia University) [VIDEO]
4:15pm – 4:20pm
4:20pm – 4:35pm:
4:35pm – 4:45pm:
Transition back to Tsai Auditorium
Parallel Breakout Report Backs [VIDEO]
Closing Remarks (Salil Vadhan, OpenDP) [VIDEO]
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