Manuscript and on-line material that gives the basic data for proteolipid possessing the properties that might have allowed it 13 Gyrs ago to form a material based topology in the early Universe. At the same time also entrapping charge (protons) in water and thus separating charge for the first time within any material. The essential points being that 200nm diameter spheres of ordered water covered on their outer surface by about 6 layers of proteolipid “skin”, show almost perfect molecular alignment of the oxygens of the water molecules, the diffraction error being <1pm. The spacing between water oxygens and the lateral carbon-carbon spacing of the proteolipid skin are identical at 3.7Å. This is considered a co-formation phenomenon which started when the elemental constituents of water and proteolipid (hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen) first arose in the Universe at approximately 13Gyrs ago.